
This article explains why Trumpers still support him. The money quote is “...when intolerant white people fear democracy may benefit marginalised people, they abandon their commitment to democracy.

His interview on Morning local FOX 29 TV several years ago (in Philadelphia) was epic. The anchors were in tears because he was so dumb.

He is so goddamn dense that it’s honestly a miracle that he doesn’t just sink to the bottom of the pool and drown every time he gets into the water. 

And people say this guy was never IV league material.

So now Iran is more reasonable than the US? Great work, Rethuglicans, Party of Putin traitors. Cheeto’s not going to do nuthin’ because he’s a fucking treasonous Putin stooge. Hopefully somebody got the syringe into him after that tweet. He’s a fucking moronic lunatic just like the rest of the Gang Of Putin party.

If this crazy fuck starts a goddamn war with Iran; I’m holding Jack Dorsey personally responsible.

So many suspected she’d paid her brother’s bail. It’s not a good look to align yourself with multiple child rapists. 

It’s not really selling either when you have nothing to sell. 

“Well, look, nobody has sold his soul to support President Trump,” Jeffress crowed.

Actually, soybean prices were on an upward trend until 2015. While it is true that soybean prices have fallen 50% from 2012, they are still at roughly the same price they have been since 2015, so the drop in prices isn’t recent. If the trade deals were so bad (terrible), why were the prices high from 2012-2014? Just

“Farmers have been on a downward trend for 15 years. The price of soybeans has fallen 50% since 5 years before the Election. A big reason is bad (terrible) Trade Deals with other countries. They put on massive Tariffs and Barriers. Canada charges 275% on Dairy. Farmers will WIN!”

Or it could just be that men are bad and can all be replaced with better women. 

So I’ve been thinking about the James Gunn issue and I think the whole thing goes deeper than just another storyof a group of alt-righters targeting a popular anti-Trumper, because there are hundreds of those on Twitter. No my thinking is that they went after Gunn because he’s also popular and has vile comments in his


That was one of the happiest and most nervous moments of my entire life.

Glad to hear this douchebag’s already been fired, but my thirst for vengeance is not quenched. Dude should have been made to crawl naked across the hot parking lot to his car after they shitcanned him.  A pox on any pharmacy that hires him from here on out.  

My personal favorite was:

Aw, you missed the best one!

Oh goody, this is one of the last seals that will summon Yog-Sothoth, Nyarlathotep and C’thulhu to devour our souls and put an end to this disgusting mockery of a year.