
Pennsylvania isn’t prohibiting the procedure. It’s requiring that it be done by a veterinarian. If an 81-year-old woman who didn’t have a medical license were performing minor cosmetic surgery on humans at her kitchen table, the legal system would also have something to say about that.


Really, there is no conflict here at all. She committed animal cruelty and deserves to be prosecuted, even by the horrific standards of show dog breeder mutilation of animals.

I believe in buying dogs from reputable (ethical) breeders.

Dogs communicate with other dogs with their ears and tails. Cutting off dogs’ ears and tails is like cutting out the tongue on a human. The practise really took hold among dog fighters because it took away the dogs’ ability to say “hey, I don’t want to fight, can we be friends instead?” Then vile people who defend the

Your answer probably depends largely on whether or not you believe in buying dogs from reputable breeders or adopting.

This is white privilege, but I would suggest that the change needs to be in the other direction. We need criminal justice reform so that more young people, poor people, and people of color can serve their sentences without endangering their jobs, housing, and relationships. The vast majority of people arrested or

I don’t know if you’re just talking about cropping tails and ears, but I rhink breeding dogs to encourage certain physical attributes while harming their health is shameful & super fucked up. Bulldogs can only give birth by cesarian section bc of breeders.

We go after criminals of all ages. Nobody is going after her for the sake of of it, they are “going after” her because she broke the law. No more, no less.

Didn’t prince Albert II’s wife try to leave him the night before their wedding? Mostly because of his philandering?

Ear cropping is barbaric, vile, disgusting and people who defend it are vile, disgusting barbarians who should never be allowed around animals. And if it’s necessary to win some dog pageant, HOW ABOUT CHANGING THE ARBITRARY RULES OF DOG PRETTINESS SO THAT NORMAL EARS ARE THE MOST DESIRABLE?!?!?

Not that I’m a fan of going after 82 year old humans, but the whole thing of physically altering dogs to suit our tastes is pretty awful and we need to stop doing that.

Damon is just trying to distance his sexual harasser buddies, Affleck squared, from his rapist buddy Weinstein. (Or Damon’s trying to distance his own behavior that hasn’t come out yet from Weinstein.) Anyway, teh menz is scared. And they should be. The sexual harassers don’t want to get lumped in with the rapists and

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d become such a fan of Alyssa Milano.

Come on. Damon knows exactly what he’s doing. Nothing “tone deaf” about it.

I would like to add that Coulter and her ilk are doing all they can to make access to birth control services even more difficult, especially to low income women.

My parents generation (baby boomers) had some terrible trouble with kids. One couple had a child who committed suicide in his 30s and their other child has had several strokes and now on permanent disability in her 3os. Another couple lost their son to a home invasion robbery in the 1970s, their second son is MIA due

I don’t have children or nieces or nephews. But I’d still prefer not to live in a society where I have a comfortable life while watching kids go homeless or dying of preventable disease. Go figure.

And adding to your fun aunts/uncles point, not only do we get that, as far as I am aware, the individuals working as staff in and around senior facilities are very often several generations younger than the people they’re caring for. So until Coulter has some really solid plans for competent AI nursing staff etc, I’ll

Thanks Ann Coulter, don’t speak for all of us single people, I’m happy, probably because I am not a miserable racist like you. I also support helping out working families more even if it won’t benefit me because I’m not a selfish troll. (Which doesn’t mean I support the GOP tax bill, that thing is a mess)