
Watch Being Human.

I can confirm, because whenever I watch Poldark, I’m often distracted by how tiny the wine glasses are, and distracting me away from Aidan Turner is no mean feat.

Thing is with the right mindset he doesn’t come off as ewww he comes off as awww, so smart, so sweet yet he can’t mend his own socks.

His most famous movie (in my heart and my loins):

Excuse me, no. Little Women is Professor Bhaer’s most famous film.

Right, what I was getting at though is that (legal or no) the point of using marijuana when you have cancer is to use it with chemotherapy and pharmaceutical drugs to alleviate the side effects. On its own it won’t do anything besides dull pain.

CHEMO IS POISON! And it will fucking save your life.

My family got so many horrible diet suggestions when dad was diagnosed that I basically had a facebook tantrum - he was dying, and if he wanted to eat nothing but candy bars and cheetos, that’s what he would fucking well get, and everyone else could take a long walk off a short pier.

I live in South America, most of the vaccine regimes here are even more stringent than some areas of the United States. Just this morning someone was questioning why their pediatrician wants to give the meningitis vaccine so young, and as someone responded because it is an effing issue here, follow the local schedule,

My uncle has been living (and thriving) with HIV for more than 20 years thanks to the cocktail of HIV drugs he takes. Those drugs keep the virus at almost undetectable levels in his body. For her to claim the drugs cause death is shockingly ignorant for someone with an actual medical degree. “Dr.” Brogan is a danger


I grew up around very white, very straight people, and I was a kid in the 80s, but even I learned that people who developed AIDS back before there was much available to manage it were essentially given a quick (but not quick enough to avoid suffering) death sentence. Within a year or two of being diagnosed with

Medical pot DOESN’T CURE SHIT, you nimrods! It’s used to quell nausea and anxiety!

FUCKING ESSENTIAL OILS OMG. I spent the day with my dad in the ER yesterday and got to overhear a woman explaining to the doctor that she brought her mother-in-law in for chronic worsening ear pain. They just moved the woman into their home to be cared for (probably from Mexico, because she kept evading the doctor’s

Thank you!
I lost a friend to AIDS in the ‘80s. He’d been HIV+ for a while but the knowledge and the meds just weren’t quite there yet. If only... if only he’d not been infected for even just 18 more months... he might have caught the meds wave. Instead, he washed up on the shore. God, I miss him.

Alternately, I have

I totally understand. These people are a danger to everyone with their anti-established science ravings. It’s a big worry of mine that we’re vulnerable to a major epidemic wiping out or handicapping a sizeable proportion of our kids polio-style because there are so many unvaccinated children.

Thank you! I just, this shit makes me so angry, irrationally (but not really because it’s deadly) angry. It needs to be outlawed because people are not educated and they think a sugar pill is tantamount to a vaccine, and a vitamin iv will treat HIV, and they die. “Doctors” like this woman, who is just shitting on the

I think essential oils and crystal meth should pick her right up.

There are thousands of medical journals out there, and some of them will publish just about anything for money. Experts in their fields know which ones are high quality with rigorous peer review, and which are not. “Published” and “peer-reviewed” mean nothing in itself as there is no regulation of what is an

I base all of my conclusions on published, peer-reviewed scientific literature.