
I can’t imagine admonishing a complete stranger for allegedly looking at a phone/computer during class while students take a test. I admire you for responding gracefully.

They’re taking a test. Teachers keep busy during test time.

100%! Plus I immediately thought where LW lives could play a factor. I live in rural Pennsylvania where by 25 most people are married with a couple kids. Depending on her surrounding culture maybe boyfriend thinks that’s what’s supposed to happen. Or maybe he’s just really excited and doesn’t want her to slip away.

I can’t believe Jane’s rude, snarky response to the 2nd person. “You are a child”? Like, what the fuck even? I’m 35 and sometimes I write quick emails with typos, because who the fuck cares? That doesn’t mean I’m a child. Why is Jane still writing an advice column for Jezebel?

From my own judgement, it seems the owner is the problem, not the cats. I think the cats would be happier in a home without children where they could receive more attention from the cat owner, I think?


The typo thing=children is unkind. You should not marry this man not because you may be young, based on your typos. You should not marry this man because after hooking up on-again, off-again, fooling around, whatever it was for three years, he can’t know after three months of monogamy if he’ll be satisfied and

“I believe you are a child. / right now you need to be (...) nutting all over the place.” 

And so this picture I have becomes relevant like twice in two months! Amazing. Enjoy!

The reviews are in:

Would it help if we start a letter-writing campaign?

I want to boycott the carp calendar in solidarity! But, realistically, I’ll buy three.

Holy shit, Trump’s face if Kaepernick got the cover...

Almost as compelling as the fact that Sufi Muslims were the victims...

And a wall between us and Mexico has zero effect on Egyptian security.

And also it was 200 Muslims that died.

I feel compelled to point out that Egypt is not on the list of countries in the travel ban.....

I can never understand why he lies about things that are so blatantly false that they are debunked within about five minutes, or lies about things that he is literally on camera saying. Does he think that he has a magic weapon that erases people’s memories? And people still support him, it’s madness.

Reese’s Pieces were one of the least popular candies until that movie hit, then they went nuts, so to speak. Hershey should send a thank you card to Mars on the anniversary of the movie opening each year. That would be an awesome troll. Fun fact: Mars used to be a Hershey customer before they started making their own

As far as the 36 female Franken-supporting staffers (say that 5x fast), isn’t it likely that most of them wouldn’t be current workers there, especially if they worked with Franken way back when?