
This reads as classic TERF sentiments. Take a seat.

I’m sick of hearing “Get a transperson” as if the only thing that’s required to act is being the same as the character you’ll be portraying. Get a transperson if they can give the character more than their status as a transperson.

Many actors will gladly take the challenge of playing people of any gender or age you ask them to play. Whether they have personal experience of it, or not.

Not one person in this thread suggested only having trans actors. You seem to think actually BEING trans is not a major advantage in undertaking a trans person’s feelings. That just sounds dismissive and insulting.

Your original comment in this thread:

Read what I said. I compared and noted the equivalence - I did not conflate. Agreed - let’s have transfolk acting in all sorts of roles. Never would I dispute such a thing, but let’s start with throwing out the pretentious and bullshit necessity of ‘method acting’ in regards to these roles, and let’s have a whole

There are many other characters that are/could have been bigger names that would draw a new viewership in.

Dancers, who clubs classify as independent contractors, have to pay a house fee to work every night, in addition to tipping out other staff members.

This is absolutely fucking reprehensible of the sheriff because he knew full well that people would set out to find this woman. I am still seething from a possibly illegal interrogation that happened to my daughter lastnight that made have a fucking breakdown and I WAS NOT PRESENT AT ALL AND HAD NO IDEA WHAT WAS

It’s more than the photo though. The article is pretty clear on that.

Also, isn’t this how Catwoman started? I would totally be down for an elderly Japanese grandma becoming Catwoman. She tries to knit, but she keeps getting distracted and batting the balls of yarn around. She knocks the figurines her grandkids get her off the shelves for no reason. She takes long naps, wakes up, moves

The raptors are testing the fences!

My cat learned how to open the little square cans by chewing off the edges.

Oh I think she has her next meal planned...

I long ago accepted the inevitable fate that awaits me: being eaten by my cats. I just hope that it mostly happens after my death.

Guess I’m slow to the roll here. I was thinking snuggling like a body pillow.

“Long compared to what? Is it long compared to what you would have in your mind what traditional small teddy bears should be like? People just assume that they’re right because it’s like that. But then again, it has a different function.”

You may also be a cat or a vampire. Either way, watch your garlic intake for a few days to be safe.

My God, that banner image. You know, the longer Trump’s in office, the more I’m coming to hate his PR team almost as much as I hate him.

My non-avatar cat is stoked and awaiting additional internetal details.