
Let’s get Pence and Sessions to sit down with them and give them a good talking to.

Someone must’ve read them that book about the gay penguins!

How does one counsel a lion with religious indoctrine? Do they get Aslan to come give them a pep talk?

outcast “coalitions” of two to four male lions don’t get to have sex with females until their take over a pride.

These animals need counseling, because probably they have been influenced by gays who have gone to the national parks and behaved badly. I don’t know, they must have copied it somewhere or it is demonic. Because these animals do not watch movies.

Did he ever stop to think that maybe sales dropped because their pizza costs more than the other major chains but does not taste any better? Folks are broke these days.

Exactly. Farrow, the guy who just took down Harvey Weinstein, published an article years ago about his sister’s alleged abuse at the hands of Woody Allen and nothing is being done.

Alec needs to shut up.

Yeah, I always thought he was spitting image of Mia Farrow.

But... but... young Brad Pitt and pretty much anyone else!

I’m going to go on record as saying I thought that was a photo of her and Gary Shandling so... nope.

She’s beginning to look like a cross between a younger Angelina Jolie and Melania. It’s disturbing.

Exactly what I was thinking. What the hell kind of ruling was that initially? Nobody was consulted on this.

...the most attractive celebrity couple in history.

His face looks like a mask of what a human face should look like to me. It’s odd. Jenny from the Block, just gets more beautiful and oddly ageless.

I’m really curious who these chill cats are? Every cat I’ve had would freak the fuck out in a carrier. Non stop crying hissing clawing to get out, plus peeing and pooping. That does not sound like something I’d like strapped to my back.

You did not illustrate the cat backpack story with cat pictures. IS THIS EVEN THE INTERNET ANYMORE?

“It’s one of few similar responses he’s given to over a dozen allegations after the New York Times and New Yorker reports.” Since Lupita is the first famous black woman to come forward, I’m gonna guess the other responses were about white women.

A) Jezebel had a full page piece in support of Lupita’s op-ed within hours of it coming out.

B) The Weinstein response hit sometime late yesterday and got the low billing it deserves, in the next available Dirt Bag. Especially considering it hit right before the weekend and we know they switch over to night/weekend

Why shouldn’t she talk about it publicly if she wants? Aren’t people constantly harping on women to report abuse?