
I believe Bjork because Von Trier is a piece of shit.

Abusing actresses into “incredible performances” is effffffed up and nasty mythology stuff that the acting community needs to wipe out. Too many men feel that they have the license to torture actresses to get “incredible performances.” I’ve worked with enough non-sadist women to know that incredible performances can

My parents married at 22 and 20. They had me a year later. They’re happily married 32 years and our family is amazing.

Considering how many guys who I’ve seen be stupid jerks to women express surprise and ‘empathy’ to all the #metoo’s being posted, I think men simply have zero idea of what their actions do. If they never have to apologize or suffer for being assholes, what are the chances they do this shit and never think about it

Is this really how the End of Days is going to be? With people standing in the streets trying to send the best picture of the rapture to Instagram?

I believe that children are supposed to be rescued by the Knight Bus, not the Hogwart’s Express. This is not canon, and I think they should return the family to the highlands until they can work out a more lore-friendly rescue system.

Good thing it wasn’t a strike week. Then the railway would’ve been closed and they’d have to be rescued by the Hogsmeade Replacement Bus Service.

This is why it’s important for the biggest and wealthiest of the Blue States to set up a plan to subsidize their own citizens’ care on the exchanges. Let the Red States see what happens when you let Trump do what he wants, and what happens when you have sensible leadership that respects people’s needs and rights.

Maybe the trick is to convince Trump he is ONLY president of the US Virgin Islands.....

I mean, it’s called the fucking U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS! It’s not even a thing you had to have learned at any point that it’s part of the U.S., it’s right there in the name.

Meanwhile, the US Virgin Islands are frantically waving at us and making “cut it” gestures. They were hoping he would never find out.

I know right, it’s really hard to remember the 50 states, let alone any territories. 50 States, 50 of them, that a very big number, that’s a lot; you throw in territories and it starts to get even more confusing. Besides it’s not his job to know that kind of stuff, it’s his job to make America great, and he’s doing

Not really sure what the trump campaign staffer who was murdered has to do with the rest of the content here. Are we supposed to laugh and say “hahah that’s what you get for working for trump”? Because if so, that’s pretty fucking gross. The entire story is just sad all around. It seems very out of place in this

I’m Canadian, and I admit that my US geography knowledge is truly terrible. But even *I* knew this. I’m quite sure most 5th graders in the US know this. How does the occupant of the White House not know this?

Silly women. Privacy is only OK for men sending rape threats.

Of course a man is the first to weigh in with “no proof, no story.” Of course.

How is this relevant to the actual list being discussed? The document was never published, nor was it intended to be.

Watching Auntie Rachel last night about this was enough to give any sane person a rage stroke. The USS Comfort is docked, finally, in Puerto Rico, with hundreds of hospital beds at the ready and 800 doctors and nurses and PAs ready to help, and yesterday, while at least 4 people died in hospitals in San Juan itself

Don’t worry citizen! Betsy DeVoss will get rid of all public schools and the tax money will be going to charter schools instead!