
“He’s never harmed me so he’s clearly never harmed anybody” ??????

Wendy Williams is a trifling ass trick whose own home in in disarray. The end.

The problem is, these dudes don’t start this behavior after they get rich and famous — it’s shit they’ve thought/done all along, but since they’re rich and famous we actually hear about them when they do it to someone brave enough to speak out about it. Sexual assault and rape are a lot more common than most men would

I used to teach a kid who had ASD and he used to tiptoe. He also had surgery and wasn’t allowed to take off his shoes in my drama studio. Which was a safety issue for other kids, coz his post surgery shoes were massive great clod hoppers.

So interesting personal tidbit. I was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when I was young, and this is exactly how I walked (and still walk). The doctors told my parents that the tendon from my heels to my calves were short and stiff, and I underwent multiple surgeries to “correct” this by having that tendon essentially

“We have this energy saving system where if we can be lazy, we are.”

I hope so. Bc if men think that is not good enough.... what do they consider good enough at that age?

My friend’s mother made a “What an ass” FB post, and garnered this response:

The whole surge pricing thing is bullshit, anyway. Whether there are 10 people who need a ride and 10 drivers or 1000 people who need a ride and 10 drivers, there are still 10 people who are going to get a ride. Surge pricing simply caters to people with more money. Sure, I understand that this is how the free market

A lot of the coverage is pointing out that is age is what stands out as being the oddest thing. But the profile for mass shooter is white. When a guy gets past middle age, the testosterone slump usually reduces this sort of risk. I wonder if the recent trend for testosterone replacement will change that profile.

If it’s an unconstitutional vote, then Spain does not have to recognize it. I don’t even understand why Spain is trying to stop this. If the vote was illegal, then the best way to deal with it is just not acknowledge it.

Because nothing discourages separatist mpvements like beats my the crap out of elderly people participating in the democratic process, right?

Preview of what is likely to happen with the Kurds. I fear for them (especially with oil reserves in the region), as well.

This is bananas shit to throw at a nonviolent public action, however you feel about independence movements. I’m in Scotland and I’m really worried that Westminster may be taking notes. 2014 was peaceful but contentious and it’s hard not to envision that the post-Brexit, Trumpian decline in civility isn’t going to

I was a blonde for halloween once - my costume wasn’t sexy at all, basically jeans and a t-shirt that I wore to school every day. My white guy friends didn’t recognize me at the party and were hitting on me. I was really upset about it afterwards because the ONLY difference was my wig and some extra makeup that I only

I’m totally shocked that a man who made his career objectifying women would abuse them and treat them as disposable. Shocked.

And the fucking thing is, it HAS BEEN a community effort. With next to no outside help the last two weeks, it’s been pretty much nothing but a community effort with the people trying to help each other as best they can. But it’s freaking impossible to help someone who’s diabetic when there’s no refrigerated insulin or

If Trump was smart then he would be wanting to help Puerto Rico for purely mercenary political purposes. Leaving aside the optics of this becoming like Katrina, this could hurt his chances of reelection.

“No word on what the penalty is if the rule is broken.”