
I think the blame rest on both genders. I read an interesting story in Time last week that younger people are looking for a lot more in marriage, someone who is going to be like their coach and cheerleader, best friend, sexy hot lover, and bring out the best in them. At the same time, those same people report being

So, since a lot of people seem to have forgotten, Mark Regnerus is a Catholic fundamentalist asshole who published a “study” that purported to prove definitively that gay people were not good parents. It was a trash study, and did a lot of damage because at the time it gave anti-gay-marriage advocates an excuse to

Who’s complaining about his characters? Or his gender? You’re the one who felt the need to purposefully misread the comment so you could bring up that WW was created by a man. Are you denying that women understand the need for feminism (on average) better than men?

“Film maker”.

I think that it would be easier to determine who ISN’T a grifter among Trump’s cabinet of deplorables.

This is fun! Let’s take other Fox News personalities, put them on a mainstream network and revel at how weird and uncomfortable they seem. Like a moose wearing pants.

Yeah, demand a refund.

I think Trump forced us to take her side for awhile but it’s good to remember that our hatred for her is completely justified.

They should bring the black panther party as guests!!

I’m gonna show up here every now and again to ask to this one question repeatedly:

I feel like smart people who get plastic surgery don’t get it to look super young but just to look the best version of themselves at their age.

I had to scroll back and look, that is a weird spot for a skirt to hit your calves. I know that, because of my cartoonishly muscular legs, that dress would make my legs look like ungainly tree trunks. Also it’s not very flattering on her in general.

It’s so bad. The only reason I clicked on the link was to zoom in because I thought I was seeing things

Megyn Kelly nearly dodged the question by saying, “[First of all], I would never be at a sporting event.”

That shirtdress is an unacceptable length. Acceptable longer lengths are:

Little House on the Prairie called; Ma wants her dress back.

His failings will continue to affect all of us, whether you are numb to it or not.

When I worked as a print reporter, the only time I found myself asking squishy questions like these were when I didn’t feel terribly well prepared or didn’t want to see too direct with the interview subject, lest they lash out at me. The difference between me and these people, of course, is that I was 23 working in

I’m not sure a couple dozen idiots clicking and posting comments about how they don’t want to read articles they could quite easily avoid reading is “the majority of the readership.”

Even more embarrassingly, it’s not like this is a new strategy. Is it ego, in that the reporter sounds better with a mini-speech of their own? Is it trying to curry favor and maintain access by tossing softballs?