
The most surprising aspect of this is that some people still search for Avril Lavigne online.

Since they didn’t, no.

Jesus, link the whole quote from Obama if you’re going to pretend there’s any similarity and tone here:

Yeah, because context doesn’t matter! ::eyeroll::

“We could, obviously, destroy North Korea with our arsenals. But aside from the humanitarian costs of that, they are right next door to our vital ally, Republic of Korea . . . One of the things that we have been doing is spending a lot more time positioning our missile defence systems, so that even as we try to

Not angry at all. Just disappointed in a fellow American who apparently can’t see through the orange clown’s bluster. What you’re quoting is a simple statement of fact, but it was not delivered as a threat. It was not said to intimidate or threaten during a speech on a world stage delivered by an incompetent leader

Allow me to help you:

Source please.

They never said anything remotely as over the top idiotic as Trump and you know it. Neither has ever called for an entire country to be destroyed because of the megalomania of their leader. Obama and Clinton understand diplomacy, unlike the orange clown who is so used to people doing whatever he said because he paid

Somehow I doubt a baby would fit in a mailbox. And yet.

Okay, but that was at least made for purpose. This, emphatically, was not made for fucking.

The article makes it pretty clear that there are restrooms pretty near to where she’s shitting, and in no event should this be a common occurrence. I used to run a pretty healthy amount, and despite digestive issues popping up on occasion, only once did I have an issue where I had trouble getting to a bathroom on

you’re really bending over backwards for some excuses.

*looks at inner circle* *looks at peen* hahahahahaha how could you get stuck in that.... that would fall right off me

Thanks for mentioning this.

At first I thought it was going to be Melissa McCarthy. That would have been much better than inviting this asshole onstage where he was clearly having the time of his life. Fuck him into eternity.

The Nazi’s were just doing their job as well, Spicey. Even if I wasn’t a child of a Holocaust survivor, I’d find this nonsensical line of reasoning a goddamn disgrace.

Fire her stupid ass and everyone who jumps into the communications director roles until they fucking learn how to work like a professional in this shitty administration.


Linda Cohn’s suspension was stupid.