
I don’t like to trust in post life punishment. Rather just put them in jail now.

Kushner looks like the human version of “...”. Like, you know the engine is running, but there’s no one behind the wheel. He has this permanent vacant stare.

JAMES SPADER??? As a fan of 80s Spader/Stargate Spader I’m deeply offended lol

I think the standard for guys is just pretty low, especially if they have money and some charisma.  

As a woman who was born in 1962, I can tell you that there has never, ever been anything remotely attractive about that man, even by 1970s standards. Gross.

James Spader with chromosome damage maybe?

James Spader? No.

“He was a good looking guy... and a douche.”

I can not believe that my cross stitch is on here.

The movie is set in Italy where the age of consent is 14. Context is key here.

James Woods doesn’t think a 24 year old dating a 17 year old is bad. He thinks a 24 year old guy dating a 17 year old guy is bad.

I don’t know every detail of the case, but I will give Wilson the benefit of the doubt. She told a few stories in interviews about being related to Walt Disney and my guess is that her parents told her, along with Santa Clause being real or other myths parents pass on to children to make them feel better about

Whatever, they’re both in eastern Europe...

Yes it is, but this is about Australian tabloids.

I’m glad that someone finally sued over these types of stories. Celebrities rarely go that route considering that there are so many rumors it would almost be a waste of their time. I’m glad this happened. go Rebel!!!

Instead of supporting the Oz film industry, maybe she could use that money to somehow get rid of Dr. Oz?

1) The white guy who called the police didn’t have to fear for HIS life.

“One thing I don’t get. Most every article here craps on the police and says never to call them because they kill people. Now someone is shot, not fatally, and you demand that the right thing is to always call the police no matter how slight the chance they are needed.”

How is this hard to get? She’s a relatively

When my friend was teaching me how to use a gun at a range, the first thing he said to me was “don’t point this at someone or something you’re not completely ready to obliterate.” So I really don’t understand how people can point their firearm and shoot and NOT expect to hit someone or something. That seems like total

But when she ripped up that photo, Sinead was protesting and trying to get public attention on the Magdalene laundries that were yet another Catholic Church horror show. (And more to come!) The only reason the Magdalene laundries were discovered is because a developer, who had just bought land from some nuns, found a