
perhaps helping the prosecutor when the erratic driver was taken to trial.

“he wanted a blood sample from the reserve officer to establish that he wasn’t in any way inebriated while driving that big truck. He was looking out for a fellow policeman”

Why are US police so violent towards everybody? Are they afraid? Insecure? Misogynists? Wannabe-army? What’s wrong with them? The police in the UK would never handle a sober, non-aggressive, non-violent suspect in this manner, let alone another member of an emergency service. In the UK this would be big news, and

Once Payne and his superior who pushed him are fired and unable to find another job, then I’ll believe in that “goodness of society”.

No. Homeopathy deserves to be shit on.

This is up there with the stupidest take I have read here in awhile. The bracelet as a whole was a homeopathy delivery device. That like saying that an epi pen with a contaminated Needle isn’t a contaminated epi pen because the medication was fine. At least that would actually save someone’s life. This was literally

I think the real overall point poqgression is A) homeopathy is bullshit; B) morons still pay ridiculous money for it, because they’re morons; C) morons paying money for it attracts the shysters; D) the shysters care only for their bottom line, use dangerous crap because it’s cheap, and get away it because there’s no

I would love nothing more than to run into her in real life and say “Hon, can you bring us another round of drinks. Thanks.”

But the logic that underpins your comment is inherently flawed. Game it out: if the detective wanted to try to protect his fellow officer, he would do everything he could to NOT get a blood sample, rather than break the law to secure one.

Yes, like all the “good cops” who stood around and watched their fellow cop go half-cocked against a nurse with absolutely zero legal justification for arresting her, let along putting his hands on her and assaulting her.

Also buried in the story... he’s an ass

There’s another part to this story. It was in response to this accident

What?! That doesn’t make any sense. If they were trying to protect him they would have delayed a blood test so that, if he did have something in his system at the time of the accident it would be gone by the time of the blood draw. The only reason to insist on immediate draw is to find something.

But also, that doesn’t change the law - without his consent, or meeting one of the other criteria, they’re not legally allowed to draw his blood.


“after refusing to violate hospital policy”

The medical staff aside, he was trying to perform an unnecessary medical procedure on a burn victim for being the victim of a crime, and without even having a warrant, to boot!

I watched Shield in the beginning religiously, and not gonna lie, I had no idea she was even mixed. I thought she was 100% white, so for me she was just another pretty white woman, rather than “exotically” beautiful, if that makes sense.

Her face is virtually unrecognizable now. I try not to judge women for their elective surgeries but god damn, Ramona. You scary lookin.