
I don’t care if it’s “their issue” or not,

That’s because Evangelicals are scairt by Catholics. Everybody knows that when Catholics go recruiting shit gets real:

A blouse itself will let you know that it’s too tight by not buttoning up properly. Since I’m assuming that you’ve enough sense to not wear something that has huge gaps between the buttons, I’m guessing that your top fit just fine.

People that have a religion I have no problem with. It’s the ones that want me to join up that drive me batty.

How about calling local media and saying “WE’RE OPEN IF ANYONE NEEDS SHELTER! PLEASE DIRECT PEOPLE TO COME HERE” Get on Twitter & FB and let people know.

Right, but we could be imagining two different things here. If Katmandu is wearing clothes that properly fit, say 1 1/2-2 inches of ease throughout the garment with no gapping at buttons and no cleavage and/or happens to be small-waisted and large-breasted, there are plenty of people who would say that’s dressing like

First off, firing an intern on the spot on their first day is missing the whole point of an internship, which is to learn business norms. Give her a firm discussion about appropriate attire? Send her home to change? Absolutely, do both of those! But firing on the first day is a ridiculous overreaction.

Do people really get “fired on the spot” for things like that without having previous offenses? If so, said company must like wasting money, because firing someone is expensive.

If HR fires someone out of the blue without talking to them first about the dress code and giving them a chance to fix it, that’s just fucked up...

Any firm large or small should clearly address dress code and wardrobe expectation at hiring which would eliminate a lot of these issues.

the guys’ anger at being told to mind their own business.

This is bringing back memories of being told by male coworkers my blouses were too tight. Having to have uncomfortable talks with hr and the guys’ anger at being told to mind their own business.

If the company has so few employees that it doesn’t need an HR dept, then if the boss doesn’t give a shit about how the intern dresses then you shouldn’t either.

I think whoever is in charge should address it, in private, and explain to the intern that it’s best practice to dress business casual—and runner shorts don’t fit that description.

Why do people think they need to sidestep HR? HR is there to keep the company from being sued for sexual harassment when they take it upon themselves to tell a co-worker she’s just too sexy for this job.

Trump just sees a sea of Ivankas

I’d say they look similar but “I’ve had three drinks and met about sixty different people” similar not they are sitting next to one another who is who similar.

Since there’s only one word in the Code 45* hopper, today’s secret message is, by default:

And he didn’t notice that bit until Gilly said it. Something he totally left out.