
I don’t like any sign that makes reference to “your women.” Women are not possessions, regardless of how twisted some women’s opinions are. And it absolves white supremacist women from responsibility.

I live in St. Louis and open carry is legal. After Ferguson, there was an open carry rally put on by the tea partiers (obviously meant to intimidate). Some folks from North City showed up with THEIR firearms (and their melanin) and suddenly the open carry tea partiers weren’t that interested in holding that freedom

You hit the nail on the head. Racism in Boston and New York is different to racism in charlottesville. It’s curiously white neighbourhoods and schools contrasted with neighbourhoods of colour that somehow have a much lower median income, and schools that are objectively worse. Eric Garner didn’t get murdered in

Specific to your point, this magnificent iron and  bronze two story frontage from Bonwit Teller had also been accepted by the Met, and he had it remived and destroyed (though it would’ve cost him less to have the museum cart it away!)

He he. Trump is well known to attend fancy black tie fundraising events simply to be seen. These are often charities for arts funding. There’s a very long, well documented history of Trump showing up and donating absolutely nothing. He makes a big show of bidding at charity auctions but starts low, and drops out so

We know he destroyed the art deco bas relief friezes of the Bonwit Teller Bldg - after the Metropolitan Museum agreed to pay for their preservation and removal - when he built Trump Tower. Because HE didn’t think they were important (and he’d know better than the Met!)

I hate that Elizabeth Moss seems like a smart person and is clearly an amazing actor yet all the Scientology BS is part of her life. I just can’t accept that as an okay thing for a person to be a part of. Disclaimer: I’m not a fan of religion in general, but I usually just brush that aside when thinking about

I’m about to spend 5 days at a SciFi convention so I’m not going to judge those who go there!

One of my favorite passages from Daniel Nexon’s absolutely classic must-read scholarly review of Gorka’s PhD “dissertation” (Nexon is a prof at Georgetown and has a real doctoral degree):

All I could focus on was the fact that the entire cast wears 80s clothes in a movie that’s supposed to be set in the 50s (?)

This committee has actual work to do - awards and grants to give, projects to oversee, partnerships to forge and maintain. If they all resigned, this work wouldn’t have gotten done. In the best interests of the country, they chose to continue until replacements were chosen (and continue making likely more pertinent

In the words of Tucker93 above:

I found his favorite color.

He’s tweeting again. Kinda.

Confirmed. FLOTUS is chair.

The letter is an acrostic which spells out “RESIST”

Thank You...

“looses his mojo” is classic. Only a racist would be so dumb to use an African word to refer to another Racist. What idiots.

How can he go back to a place he never left?

I literally died.

So now that Bannon is out and can’t be blamed for Trump’s awful policy, Conservatives are going to have to admit that their president really is a piece of shit of his OWN making.