
Yeah the only problem being where she called Black Lives Matter a terrorist group and then multiple times claimed that she felt politicians from all sides were trying to take advantage of her. She also used lines like, “Heather was not part of any group and only cared about justice for ALL lives.”

I understand she

That last paragraph just goes to show how low a bar it is to unequivocally denounce Nazis, and our leader can’t actually do it without being essentially forced to.

But you’re never going to touch that flap!

generally, it’s a fear of specific things as a result of how you were raised or taught. Like, people are scared of spiders, but not mosquitoes. But spiders don’t typically bite people, and they don’t carry diseases that we are worried about, where as mosquitoes are all those things.

your keyboard is probably filthier than that toilet seat, and you touch your keyboard with your naked fingers all the time — what’s the big deal with sitting your butt down on a toilet seat?

The other possibility, of course, if they feel that demand is too inelastic to raise menu prices, is to allow profits to decline slightly. The owner is a billionaire. He can afford it.

I’d rather beat my own ass with sticks than show up in a shared space with that orange fuckface.

If he ends up being the only one there, it’s going to suck for him (as maybe it should?)

And why would an owner whine publicly on the receipt before the guest has a chance to tip his own employee better? Just shut the fuck up and be grateful no one notices happy hour prices going up 15 cents across the board to cover that rising tide, lifting all them boats. Stupid jerk.

the only confirmed attendee is LL Cool J

Does he also add “surcharges” whenever the price of fish changes? Labor isn’t some unfair expense, it’s an expected cost of doing business.

I can’t believe people are this fucking stupid. Raising minimum wage will make everyone more money. If people have extra money, they will spend it on stuff. All that money spent on stuff gets transferred back to the rich assholes that begrudgingly provide those wages to their employees.

Yeah, this is really telling: “So I think that when someone doesn’t realize they’re being filmed or recorded, they say things.”

Kim K, 3 marriages. Paris, no takers. :/ She seems too old for Donald?

And what about the FCC’s complete and utter failure to act as a regulatory oversight body over the US’s telecommunications infrastructure since Pai took over as its chair? Did we just ‘forget’ that the FCC’s job is not to court favors from the likes of AT&T, Comcast, Cox, et al but to lay down the law of the land —

Seeing Donald Trump pardon a convicted criminal, who openly disobey court orders, just after calling a Senator “weak on crime” will be hilarious.

Trump isn’t Bettlejuice. He doesn’t become less powerful if you avoid saying his name. He’s the president of the United States, a job that at least used to be considered the most powerful position in the world.

But he’s the president. His every statement is newsworthy. He’s a fucking disgrace but don’t act like we can just ignore him.

To punish America for Donald Trump, God will blot out the sun on Monday, August 21. You have been warned. If you do not heed this warning, a plague of new reality shows will be released upon the land.