
do you not trust your friends partner? if so, go on trying to convince her other not to go.

he is a whiny bitch

Truly bad person.

I’m starting to get the feeling that maybe his statement this afternoon wasn’t exactly heartfelt, but maybe a cry for attention and approval. Maybe I’m wrong...

I wish Twitter would ban Trump, since he’s using their platform to threaten. Pretty cut and dried.

Great minds and all that:

Afraid that he might have to play with his father.

Is he fucking saluting? The miserable bastard.

I wonder how Barron feels about this.

But, like, you weren’t gonna do shit about prescription prices as long as he was your BFF?

Seriously I cannot begin to explain how much these people fester on certain boards. The Red Pill is another one, as is The Donald. Stopping them from forming echo chambers is a big first step.

Picking them off individually by pointing it out to their employers is a good idea, but it takes time. The action GoDaddy is taking is HUGE. that’s how we really put a dent in this: cutting of their revenue from ads, and denying them easy access to organize online. They’ll find somewhere else, they always do, but

Cvjetanovic said:

Isn’t at-will employment great, alt-right guys?

How is a person who has no children but pays their taxes (I assume she did) a drain on society? For example, the taxes I pay support schools, despite me not having any children to attend those school.

Likely no one complained to them before. I had never heard of DS before this (not that I would) but I doubt they audit all the sites they host?

Your right to privacy (this isn’t a free speech issue, numbnuts) ends when you parade your idiocy in public.

“Welcome to the ICE.”

Well the people outing them are just practicing their free speech rights too.

So GoDaddy was totally cool with DailyStormer up until now?