
I don’t think she was pissed — I think she was kinda freaked out, seeing how Arya can fight, added to the realization the list is real. Maybe a little jealousy because of the respect Lady Tarth* showed Arya.

I read it as the realization that the comment about Arya’s list of people to kill might not be the joke Sansa originally thought it was.

That fight was really perfectly choreographed. Brienne hacking away like a typical Westerosi knight, Arya using her dancing lessons and size/speed/agility, and both of their movements looked totally genuine. Just A+ choreography

I interpreted Sansa’s reaction as: “Hmmm, she’s really deadly. Maybe she actually does have a list of people she’s going to kill. Hmmm....she also said most of the people on the list are already dead... hmmmm... I wonder if she’s a psychopath these days.”

I read it more as impassive than upset. Everyone who keeps saying how wooden Sansa seems forgets that she has not been able to show any real emotion for YEARS. At KL, she was being held captive by her father’s murderers and had to pretend to love Joffrey of all people. She’s been around Littlefinger for ages, and has

I think she’s upset, but not necessarily pissed. I think there were a couple of different/interacting things happening there.

This was the best scene of the whole episode! Dragons and Dothraki? Meh. Brienne and Arya sparring? YAAASSS!!!

What I got out of this is that the guy has organized other auctions. Are these women being looked for? Are they safe?

I don’t know, are you a man? B/c from reading the text above, what I get is if you’re male, your feelings are fact. If you’re not male (and white), your feelings are “political correctness” which should be ignored. We should freely offend and marginalize anyone, unless he is white male conservation, in which case

A relatively clean house and CPS not knocking on your door because the kids havent been picked up in 6 hours is worth a lot if you ask me.

Dude, the reason the fucking “honey-do list” trope exists is because the list never gets done!

Google “the second shift.” That’s what we used to call it.

YES. Everyone should want work/life balance. And everyone deserves it.

I bet if they did a survey of Google and/or most large workplaces... you would find a very large slant in the number of females that have children [married or not], and the number of men that; have kids, are married, live with a significant other.

Forgive me, because I’m all over this comments section. I said (perhaps here or elsewhere) that fathers need and should expect to be able to take time for their kids. It’s not “female time.” It’s parenting.

While it’s true that they’re not calling for a lifetime ban, they are calling for a cancellation of the show that is opening. Saying this doesn’t qualify as a ban is like saying the Trump Travel Ban doesn’t count as a ban.

I generally empathized with the protest over the Emmett Till piece at the Whitney, and I thought Schutz’s response was weak as hell and full of privilege and entitlement.

The thing that pisses me off the most is Emmett Till’s momma showed the brutality done to her baby to show the truth. This “artist” used lynch porn to show how big a SJW she is and got mad we didn’t give her a gold star and a kiss on the nose for caring. People act like a painting somehow makes it more respectable and

Art’s meant to have a point but it doesn’t have to be controversial.

I can’t help but think banning someone for having painted a single controversial work is a bit much.