
I have met several children from orphanages and slums in my third world country. If you show them a wad of cash and tell them to pretend to take it, they will hope they get to keep it.

I admire Angelina tremendously for her all the humanitarian work she’s done and the decisions she’s made about how to grow her family . . . and I think this “game” of putting piles of money in front of slum and orphan kids to get a reaction is cruel and revolting.

Yeah, it’s weird that people aren’t getting that.

That’s valid but I think the larger point is that it’s not about what these kids understand intellectually, it’s that they were impoverished children being intentionally emotionally exploited with a scenario that was more meaningful to them than Jolie can seem to wrap her mind around, or at least be accountable for.

Interestingly, I would argue that the fact he isn’t called king is actually sexist in the fact that it assumes that, in the hierarchy, king is always superior to queen. If the queen marries a man and he becomes king, we have such an ingrained bias assuming that he is the top royal, the real power even if the queen

That’s the same system there and England though, unless I’m misreading you. The King is higher than the Queen hence the use of Prince for the spouse if the heir (bloodline) is the woman. It is a sexist system but only because the title of King is higher than Queen. If King and Queen were equal it would make no

Or given the occasional polonium cocktail. And all this reminds me that coal may be dying but I wonder who produces/processes polonium. That should be a growth industry right about now, wouldn’t you think?

I say throw him in a shallow, untitled grave for a burial that befits his attitude. And throw in a can of Morton’s cause he’s extra salty.

No no. In the full quote she clarifies that they didn’t know that it wasn’t real, they didn’t really know what was happening. And I’ve spent a fair amount of time in Cambodia. The poverty is on a level that’s hard to understand even when you’re looking at it.

I get that there are some dumb actors out there, but did you really mean to imply that you as an adult had the same cognitive development as a pre-literate small child?

I don’t think Trump will appear with you in public unless you have unethical business deals with Russia.

For kids in that situation, sure they may be aware it’s a game and they won’t actually receive money at the end... but to play this kind of game seems shitty IMO.

Wait a minute that’s not a fun fact at all.

Yeah, but luckily he has no business dealings with Russians or anything...

It’s almost as if the Democratic Party should’ve supported an actual progressive.

Here they are nuzzling in their matching pink fleece sweaters right before I adopted them (my darling girl has her eyes closed pressing her baby face against her big brother’s, and he is an angel cat too). They are a bonded pair and the best thing that has ever happened to me. Thanks for asking about them :)

Even if it was ‘just an acting exercise’ it’s exploitation as they weren’t looking for great actors they were looking for pain and tears to then reframe into their story to tell and profit and get praised for on the backs of these children.

Angelina and the casting directors knew what was going on. A bunch poor children, who have literally known nothing but a life of poverty and hunger, most likely did not even if it was explained to them. They’re kids! They don’t have the same grasp on complex emotional matters that adults do!

Jolie’s version of the story is the same as the story that the magazine printed - she doesn’t seem to get what was wrong with it in the first place. It doesn’t matter if YOU think ‘this is an acting exercise, this money is meaningless and the children don’t get to keep it anyway’ - to those kids they’re just seeing a

... so, we don’t just put our bras on before we get ready? Was that... was that just me?