
A friend of a friend is a Republican staffer who works in the White House. Apparently, Trump genuinely believed (and refused to believe staffers when they told him it wasn’t true) that Mexico is in South America.

I’m also curious how 1,250 “looks like” 2,000.

In the same vein, he keeps whining to both these other leaders about how bad everything will make him look, like that’s what, their problem? Especially in the case of Peña Nieto, I can’t imagine a person on earth with more right to be uninterested in Trump’s self-made image problem.

It’s so weird. I knew before reading that it was going to be a Fyre Festival but I wasn’t prepared to learn that he talks like a whiny little bitch in front of other world leaders.

So weird. He tells Turnbull that he (Turnbull) made a bad deal and then all he can do is complain about how the deal was great for Australia but bad for Trump. It is like he thinks he deserves takebacks for a deal that Obama brokered.

If only we could say the same for the electoral college...

Looks like General Kelly is better at hiding the President’s phone than Prebius was.

May I point to a document that will brighten your day?

I’m fond of these Ikea bags. They’re durable, hold lots of barf, and can be zipped up to contain that annoying barf smell.

You’ve had 3 break on you? At what point do you decide to spend a little more for one that’s not so, um, well, breakable?

I had a similar thought. The jokes have a very different tone (beyond just the fact that it’s an in-group person telling it). Look at Izzard’s joke:

Wow it’s so rude that you would drop that nugget and not give a name. It can be “allegedly”.

People will love anything that’s just repeating their own prejudices back to them, joke or not.

It also depends on WHO is telling it. Izzard is a world-famous comedian, genius, and re-invention artist who happens to be a cross-dresser. When you are a Renaissance man who happens to look marvelous in lipstick and blue eye shadow, then those jokes are funny.

Did you just #notallblacks.
Yeah, duh, I know that, but the fact that some in the community *are* homophobic and transphobic, and some of them *do* connect that with their racial identity, we can say for sure that transphobia isn’t just a ‘white issue’ like I wasn’t the one who brought up how the black and mexican

Playing fast and loose with he word “jokes” there, aren’t you?

Oh god it’s so frustrating to talk with edgelord comic douches. Like yes, I think nothing should be off-limits in comedy, and (and motherfuckers, and) you should get raked over the coals if you screw up. Just because it’s off limits doesn’t make it funny (saddly for many edgelords, it does, this is their version of a

‘Sounds like a secret weapon to me,’ he continued. ‘If I was in ISIS in the trenches fighting against the United States and all of the sudden I see a man with a beard and big D-cups titties just rushing my foxhole and shit, I’d be horrified.’

Given the amount of homophobia and transphobia in the black community, this isn’t just a ‘white issue.’

Otherwise it’s just an unfunny version of those man babies who pop up to say “Muslims are killing women, why don’t you care about that?” and “others have it worse, so your issues don’t matter.” bullshit.

Watched part 1 of his new special on netflix and there was a lot of this. It was pretty gross.