
There’s a probably-going-to-be-upscale hotel going up across the street from my office. I fully expect that we’re going to be dealing with this once it opens in a few months. I’m thinking we will be going the insult route: make up some big Olympics-style score cards in posterboard and give very low scores.

Not enough fake gold plating everywhere apparently.

That may be one of the few things more disgusting than well-done steaks with ketchup.

Reince should txt him to say, “Congratulations, I’ll pray for your child.”

Someone must have gotten a google alert over Would U. Probably would have gotten to keep the job if the percentage of people who would was higher ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That’s exactly what the quote in the article says. John Kelly is General-whats-his name, the incoming chief of staff: “The decision to remove Mr. Scaramucci, who had boasted about reporting directly to the president not the chief of staff, John F. Kelly, came at Mr. Kelly’s request”

This seems like John Kelly showing good judgment until you remember that he willingly signed on to help run this fucking clown show.

Fuck, I just voted to bang the Mooch because we’d save money on lube and now he’s gone. Fuck, now what will I do

Maybe Kelly will fire Trump too.

AND he can only do it to me while I’m in a doctor-administered Roophy coma and he can only insert his penis through a single hole in the vinyl covering my entire clothed body except for hole cut into back of my pants.

The reader did her job, as did many, many others to make those books happen. Rowling has talked a lot about the people at the cafe who let her write there with her children on one cup of coffee. Is that enough gratitude? Sheesh. I just don’t get this judgmental line in the sand about this one person when she has

Ok, but what if he paid off all of your debt and, like, bought you an apartment or something? Those details made me think twice. But we would both have to be fully clothed, definitely. And no kissing. Or talking. And it would have to be really fucking dark.

Bang him with what?

Yes, I believe I even read that she has gotten herself kicked off of a number of “richest people” lists because she gave so much of her wealth away. That commenter has some absurd standards of what a successful person ought to do.

The irony is delicious.

I have no idea, but it probably wasn’t much. Fox news slobs that micro knob like they are on a casting couch video

Unrelated but I had to share this. I was getting ready to grill while living with my grandparents-in-law, and my grandpa-in-law is blaring whatever garbage is on Fox news on Sunday nights. The panel is talking about the Justin Trudeau rolling Stone cover and pointing out how many first great albums they didn’t like

Shhh don’t tell Ivanka...

Ms. Anti-Entitlements/Black Lives Don’t Matter was a gainfully employed college graduate still on her parents’ insurance. The most special of snowflakes.