
Are we supposed to believe that the Mooch ever really prays?

My favorite thing was when Lizza revealed that he had, of course, taped the conversation since that is Journalism 101, Scaramucci tried to float the idea that that was illegal wiretapping.

Quick note...I have a cold, hard spot in my heart for people who read something just to find something to correct...quick note N(ICU), technically not an error...just lacking in specificity...quick note....if after reading this article, that is your comment you have more in common with the Mooch than should make get an adult tiger to let a human lay all over it, the animal must be drugged and/or beaten. There is no other way to have that happen.

The article I linked cites another organization (WAP) and their explanation for why tourists shouldn’t participate in these activities. Wildlife experts have spoken out against it as well. The Dodo article was just one of the first things that came up in a google search for sources other than PETA.

Yeah, but pictures that involve the abuse of an animal fall a bit outside of the bounds of “a form of expression.” There are a whole list of things that are not allowed in a Tinder profile photo. A business setting limits on acceptable subject matter in a hook-up pic isn’t really squashing people’s First Amendment

I’m glad all the commenters on Jez are keeping their cool factor up there and hating PETA. The “I hate PETA” and “Fuck PETA” circle jerk comments crack me up. Go eat a ham sandwich and pat yourselves on the back a little more, why don’t you?

What Vegas said. It’s really sad, and I’m sure most of the people who pay for experiences like these have no idea what’s going on behind the scenes. I certainly didn’t until I came across information about it.

I really hate the use of wild animals as entertainment for tourists. When an elephant stomps an asshole human I cheer for the elephant. However, my greatest wish is To go the reserve in China an hug a panda. I can’t seem to resolve the conflict.

Well, that certainly is a goal. But for such a law to become reality first the public has to start to see this type of behavior as fucked up instead of cool. The public has to be educated and this seems to be a possible strategy to reach part of the public that hasn’t been reached by the various campaigns that have

There have been plenty of trustworthy sources on this. And even so, can’t anyone with common sense figure out that letting random people hanging out with something like a tiger is totally fucked up and either totally unsafe or the tigers have to be drugged up?

Fortunately it’s not just PETA, because fuck PETA.

One would hope but Darwin seems to be napping on the job recently.

As much as people hate PETA, these places that let you take pictures with tigers are INCREDIBLY horrible. Many claim to be rescued, but breed their animals to use them for revenue. It’s really really sad and gross and disrespectful to these animals.

They’re not even competent at giving non-answers or dancing around an issue! How did they get to where they are?

In my line of work, people consistently use flattery to try and get somewhere, whether it’s new business, a promotion, or additional funding. Over time, one can easily tell the people that are VERY skilled in their flattery. This guy isn’t, and neither are the endless parade of GOP/ Trump mouthbreathers that have

Don’t worry, Steve Bannon is there as the voice of reason.

Also possible Trump picked him for that reason - - he’s Trump’s mouthpiece for saying the horrible shit Trump can’t be caught saying aloud while President. He’s an avatar.

I am 1000000000% here for couples getting divorced bc one partner supports Trump. He represents the worst of humanity so why would you want to be married to someone who supports that?

My crush on Rob Lowe is still strong, and I will strenuously ignore the paranormal hogwash. That being said, don’t press it, Rob, because John Stamos is my backup crush and he’s not talking about ghosts.