
Why no eating at Subway? I also never eat there, but I’m curious why that would be a rule.

Three decades ago? It was only April last year that the inquests into Hillsborough finally ended, after decades of arse-covering by South Yorkshire Police. There’s reforms for you.

As for Orgreave, please don’t parrot, however inadvertently, Amber Rudd’s assertion last year that any inquiry should be dismissed given

Not a single officer flinched or looked as if they were like “wait. thats not what we do”. Turns out there was not a single good cop at that speech or anyone that wished to show themselves as one. They are all bad. At least now when we hear that a cop who was there at that speech was killed, we can say, “probably had

what about law enforcement over the last say 50 years has given you the idea that they would be anything other than jumping for joy when told by the President that he wants them to fuck up more black and brown people. question is where are the supposed good cops who put their hands up and said, that is not okay. In

No, it’s a pejorative about Irish. As in, Paddy was drunk.

The only acceptable expression for them to be wearing at this moment

For the last fucking time: IT IS NOT THEIR JOB TO PUNISH.

Oh I’m right there with you. And it’s not just conspiracy theory bullshit either. He’s so obviously trying to position himself to not only win the next election, but to consolidate his power within his family...and he actively seeks out organizations and governments with similar agendas. He hates the freedom of the

And y’all wonder by People of Color and poor people don’t trust the fucking police. “But they’re not ALL bad!” you swear up and down as though it’s not an institutionalized problem. “You need to learn to respect the badge!” you scream and shout. “Maybe if you were more respectful and civilized!” you wail and rend your

“They kidnap. They extort. They rape and they rob. They stomp on their victims,” he said. “They beat them with clubs, they slash them with machetes, and they stab them with knives. They have transformed peaceful parks and beautiful quiet neighborhoods into bloodstained killing fields. They’re animals.”

Our cops don’t need any help WRT excessive force. Considering the current issues regarding misuse of deadly force (cops murdering people, especially people of color), he’s basically inciting violence.

Watching pacifist Jimmy Carter just go apeshit on Trump would be immensely gratifying

JFC, the Commander-in-Chief is actually endorsing, if not outright inciting, criminal behaviour by police? In Canada, that’s called “counselling” (to solicit or incite) or “abetting” (to encourage, instigate, or promote) an offence. The person doing so can be held criminally liable for any offence subsequently

“...and you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon...”

Definitely but I don’t think he knows enough to consider that a poor move, strategically speaking. He probably thinks members of the military support him more-so now for that move.

If you get any joy out of advocating police violence you should not be president.

It’s amazing how in the UK the police actively boo politicians like that and helped orchestrate the downfall of a Tory politician who was an impolite cunt to them (known as the Plebgate affair) while in the US the police seem to want to beat the shit out of people they arrest.

Paul Ryan’s too stupid to get the irony that he quoted a Canadian singer-songwriter who, by virtue of his citizenship, has universal health care.

Note to the White House.

53 percent of black women didnt vote for Trump so there is that to celebrate.