
I love ikea. It’s fun to walk around in, the furniture is fine, the food is decent, and building that shit is like solving puzzles. My mom invited me over last week just to put together two wardrobes for her. It was great.

Those backward religious tenets are misogyny.

I just love that the ‘no woman’ aspect is repeated for multiple communities. It’s a nice reminder that, worldwide, overt misogyny is alive and well!

“people can really only really pay attention to a couple of things at a time.”

Nah, it’s just an apprentice Master of the Universe trying to please the Alpha he worships and admires, which means constantly being belligerent and never apologizing. This is some fucked up way of him working on his daddy issues.

“They don’t want to use guns, because it’s too fast and it’s not painful enough. So they’ll take a young, beautiful girl—16, 15 and others—and they slice them and dice them with a knife because they want them to go through excruciating pain before they die.

I think you misunderstood my comment. I know that’s, technically, all it takes to lose weight. But I was specifically referring to, as you put it, the lack of discipline and drive. Shannon is clearly depressed. It isn’t so easy or someone in her emotional state to just stop overeating and drinking.

are you sure it’s not canker sores? Cold sores don’t usually happen inside the mouth.

I’m wondering how she even ‘knows’ he gave it to her. From the way the story is reported it sounds like she’s had no symptoms, but got tested because it became public he had it and then she came up positive. I don’t think the test can tell when you got it, so she could have had it without symptoms for years. This is a

The only reasonable comment on this topic thus far. It’s amazing how people react to herpes when as recently as the 1970s or whatever decade pre-Valtrex, it was not a big deal! It was only stigmatized to make money for pharma. And before everyone gets up in my face about it, yes it’s deadly to babies but that is both

You are just as likely to catch herpes from a person who thinks they don’t have herpes than someone who knows they do have it. Half of people have herpes. Half of people with herpes know it. So, 25% of the population knows they have it, and 75% thinks they don’t. 70% of transmissions are from people who don’t know

Also, Lady Mormont made the same exact objection in that council. But no one minds that.

Theon has PTSD.

Or they aren’t really famous and are hoping that showing up to the airport with a gun will give them both publicity and a country cred they couldn’t establish on their own.

In over 50 years of flying and gun ownership I have NEVER accidentally shown up to the airport with a gun.

“I agree that protecting the well-being, dignity, and freedom of minors is vital, but the severe bar this bill creates is not necessary to address the concerns voiced by the bill’s proponents and does not comport with the sensibilities and, in some cases, the religious customs, of the people of this State,” Christie

I’m surprised they didn’t plan and truck in a huge wifi network setup with hundreds of broadband connections for this event.

This really has nothing to do with their servers and more to do with cellular service providers.

As anyone who has attended an event with tens of thousands of people will tell you (a sporting event for example) cell service is questionable at very best, this should have been expected.