
Neighborhoods change depending on who owns the property. Unless it’s you, your opinions are worthless.

Washington Post just confirmed that Sessions did talk about Trump campaign concerns/activities with the Russian Ambassador. So, again, he lied to Congress in his confirmation hearings.

I know we’re supposed to hate this woman because she’s white and is supposedly living in the wrong neighborhood based on that, but I’d be pissed too if some asshole parked his ice cream truck outside my house and played annoying music every day, and then told me to “fuck off” when I tried to be upfront and work with

Sorry but if that truck was parked outside your house blaring that shitty jingle for over an hour you’d be pissed.

But does he want to hold the president’s HAND?

I’m only 5'8 and I have never even cared.

The person who is suing raises her veil and shows her face to be checked against her ID at security checkpoints to get onto the school campus, so security concerns don’t apply in this case.

The woman explains that her photo ID has her face uncovered, and when asked to show her identity at the school entrance, she briefly removes her face covering to show her face, and then puts it back on afterwards. So if she’s passed through a security check, which has identified her, then she’s no longer a risk.

BTW the guy is randomly spouting about “Sharia Courts” and trying to push that they are actual courts when the fact is they’re informal bodies that can adjudicate on “religious matters” only and have no actual authority in the court of law and any state court can overrule anything they say even then, like the General

Yeah, that advice made me uncomfortable. I mutually broke up and moved out of a place with my ex about a year ago. I was WAYYY over the relationship, but if I had found out he signed a lease before we even had the break up it would’ve broken my heart a little, because a part of a relationship is being genuine and

I can’t agree with that. They are “best friends”. Leaving someone on the hook for rent they may not be able to afford because you want to be more comfortable, isn’t good enough. Deal with your issues, then quickly find a place once that is settled. I’d be devastated if that was done to me, wishing they had told me

yeah that seems like a sure why to have a bad break up and end on bad terms I was also shocked by that recommendation. this woman was very clear that this is her first serious relationship, and what she needs to do is put her big girl panties on and sit down and have a respectful convo with this person she has known

I was also say no (agree, unless abusive), but more because can you float your new rent and your old rent? If you are on the lease, your rental agreement doesn’t care that you broke up. I would work out that first and then figure out what your plan is — I think you would need to find someone to sublet or he needs to

WHAT?!! Do NOT sign a lease before informing your partner you want to break up! Maybe start looking, but that to me feels shitty as well. I know it’s an inconvenience for you to have to find a new place, move shit, etc. but that comes with the territory. I can’t imagine how fucking horrible I’d feel if I found my

Highly disagree. You can’t have good sex if you really dislike someone in my experience. Not on a real relationship. Maybe with a hook up partner but someone you live with? No way

please please tell me this is /s. you can’t build a life with someone who doesn’t respect you, no matter how good the sex is.

I have read that garbled word salad over a dozen times and can’t make heads or tails of it. What the fuck is he babbling about??? The more I read it, the crazier it gets.

He also thinks Akie Abe doesn’t speak English.

He thinks health insurance is life insurance.

Dude. Marcon is “holding your hand” because he’s trying to get you to keep your pervy hands off his wife.