
At least Jimmy Carter’s hands are big enough to hold a hammer.

I love how Jimmy Carter is building houses at the age of 92 (after collapsing due to dehydration) at the same time this guy needs a break from being President.

“the USGA is a golf organization, and we make decisions about where to play based, first and foremost, on the quality of the golf course, as well as the competition, fan experience, and overall operations.”

Why is it that all of the small, start up companies I know of, are ethical and pay their oversees workers a fair wage and guarantee safe working conditions? OH BECAUSE THEY MANDATE IT.

If these workers don’t like their jobs, why don’t they just hire two or three career counselors? Or ask their dad for a job?

Now playing

I found it oddly satisfying. Like this video:

i didn’t know that Mexico also as congress called Congress as well as house appropriations committee called House Appropriations Committee.

Okay, but it costs basically nothing to follow through and call the number, and if there are cameras set up, the only thing they’re going to “catch” you doing is being a good person. So, even if the probability of a prank is much higher than the probability of a genuine emergency, there’s no reason to not treat it as

Remember when we were just embarrassed by W? Ah, those were the days. Look - a dumb little cowboy with big ears. Now it’s like “shit, here comes Trump and the Americans - hide the wife, children and silverware”

He just . . . GRABS her. And doesn’t let go. It’s like a drunk guy in a bar at 2am. It makes me cringe.

She’s thinking, “Die already, you gross, fat turd,” but in Slovenian.

And everyone knows he meant, “for your age.”

My husband proposed whilst we were both sitting in our beaten up car that was parked in the driveway of our first home. (This home was wonky, had a water heater that worked 70% of the time and was missing paint) He didn’t offer a ring as he didn’t have the money for one but, he did have the beautiful words of Elton

I thought it was Ivanka at first. Eeew this family.....

She is mostly likely a terrible person too. Don’t let the pretty packaging fool ya

Right. Every few weeks there’s a thread where people are making fun of/”questioning” slang. Acting like it’s just the young millenials being lazy with their words, not realizing (or, more likely, not caring) that most of the terms they’re mocking come from the Black community and other communities of color. When

Mmmm-HMMMM. Thank you. Tired of the disingenuous folks trying to play like slang is just sooooo hard to understand. Like, do y’all understand that when you whine about these words being impossible to understand, you’re outing yourself as someone incapable of basic comprehension and too lazy to use that cute little

So, this has nothing to do with anything in DB (apologies in advance), but...I’m quitting drinking. I’ve been thinking about it for a few years, and it’s finally time to pull the plug on it. Nothing crazy has happened, but I’m just tired of my energy being sapped constantly, of bruising too easily, and of not being

I could see a NDA about not revealing private info (although with those people, nothing is private) about the family in general, but they can’t prohibit her from talking about her OWN experiences in her personal relationship with Rob. Those aren’t just things she witnessed, they’re things she was personally involved