
You’re faulting her for not having “optics” in mind when the vast majority of people trashing her don’t understand why volunteers distributing food are REQUIRED to wear gloves?

I’m not so certain. The “I can’t roll my eyes hard enough over this”, the “Oh?” inflection, the “Good to see black twitter works all over the world” comment very firmly imply (while not stating outright) that she agrees with their reaction. I stand by my statement that this is poorly researched half-truth.

I work in higher ed and any time we hand out food or even bottled drinks we wear gloves.

I know we can ignore posters in the comments. Is it possible to ignore authors who cannot research or write a decent article showing the whole story? This article is bald-faced clickbait and poorly researched half truths.

I literally just had my lunch prepared and handed to me by someone wearing gloves. What’s the big deal that she’s wearing them too? We take more precautions for for less dangerous diseases all the time.

Ever think that just maybe, out on the middle of BF Africa they don’t have food service gloves and only medical ones?

Wow, whoever wrote this article should probably do a little editing and find out the real story with what is going on with things instead of jumping on the Twitter train and trying to trash anyone they can if they can spin an article to make someone look bad. This is terrible journalism.

So you’re saying she is racist and doesn’t want to touch black kids, then?

Maybe they didn’t have the “food handling gloves” that day.

Yes, how dare she try to be hygienic when feeding children with an immunodeficiency virus.

Thanks for these photos. Let’s be a great society and shit on someone doing humanitarian work because she wore gloves in some pictures. What the hell, us?

She was serving food you dumb shit.

But to search Japanese archives, the filmmakers would have needed a researcher who could read Japanese. How do you expect them to do that?

Replying to myself because I’ve gotten a couple of responses to this comment talking about how people or the internet just want to be “outraged” about something and that’s not really the point I was trying to make here. There are plenty of legitimate things to be outraged about...and there are plenty of people lining

Since wearing gloves while distributing food is apparently now racist, was Twitter equally quick to drag this racist?

YOU need to look at the pictures again, because you’re looking at the ones that have been cropped to remove the kids in the background who are eating food and drinking. As a matter of fact, the full version of the picture you are talking about (of her next to white kids at a different event) is in the first set of

Just a thought: She may have been required to wear gloves when handing out food. You know, like in most places where food is distributed.

Maybe in Japan things like facts still matter, but we’re making America great one ridiculous rumor at a time!

Okay, let’s be clear that she certainly should have taken the gloves off when she started talking to people and posing for photos after handing out food, but did you guys really only pull the images of her wearing gloves while she was handing out food and while they were eating (which mean she’d probably JUST been