
So if David and Kris got married Brody Jenner would be her step-son twice over? This feels like a Russian drama...

So tell me how I am wrong then. Does not the Catholic Church go in to large parts of rural Africa and tell women their greatest accomplishment is birthing babies? Time Magazine did an article on that. As well as the shunning of birth control. National Geographic did an article about the Catholic Church in rural China

The secret about cool Pope is that he is an equivalent of a middle aged Conservative dad from middle America in the year 2000. Which is to say he is in fact not that cool at all but because he acts slightly more progressive than previous Popes (my previous description applies to them as well, but they were at best

I have no idea what troll you speak of but the Catholic Church is the greatest one of them all. Responsible for countless wars, persecution and atrocities against mankind. Stirring up neighbor to tell on neighbor. Families to rip each other apart. All while claiming to live in Jesus’ likeness.

And in his mind a woman having an abortion will still be a greater sin than a priest committing sexual assault.

The Catholic Church has the biggest grift of all time. Pray to God, give the man “representing” him money and maybe you will go to heaven. If you give him more however, you are upping your chances. A religion with the largest wealth ever amassed and yet they tell their people to live in poverty, tithe and just be

“open up the fact there’s likely a massive Paedophile ring”

If you make the demand while essentially holding a gun to my head you’re not brilliant or crazy, you’re just a mugger in a business suit.

Sure Gaga is super stoked to be used in defense of Shkreli. Who appears to be just an absolutely vile piece of shit. I rarely wish harm upon people- except for Trump and his minions, but are they actually people?

Yeah, and it’s a fight to the death.

Apparently, look who is the president. I just can’t.

I mean, 55 fucking thousand pediatricians signed on to say this shit dmages kids brains.

At what point can we just start filing class action lawsuits against Pruitt and Dow Checmical for poisoning our population? Can’t we show a bunch of pictures of miscarried deformed fetuses found to have that chemical in their systems? I mean, 55 fucking thousand pediatricians signed on to say this shit dmages kids

won’t someone think of the ruling class?

It seems pretty clear to me that Zillow used a classic C&D scare tactic. They know they have no case, but they want her to stop using the photos, so they send a strongly worded letter filled with legal jargon, assuming (probably because it’s a tumblr blog, possibly because she’s a young woman) that she will not

She actually did. She’s been very open and clear that her use of Zillow photos falls under fair use.

What would it take, I wonder, for his mental state to become obvious enough a danger that Pence and the Cabinet would have to act on it and invoke the first ever use of the 4th Article of the 25th Amendment? I’m guessing the answer is somewhere between “when hell freezes over” and “second Wednesday after never”, but

Thanks for the personal attack. Tasted great with ketchup. Yummy. And it’s nice how you contributed absolutely nothing to the debate.

Well, that’s more complicated than anyone could know, you know. Numbers and data and facts are hard to keep track of. Plus he’d have to have an expert telling him what he needs to do, and Cheetolini will have none of this “explaining,” “information,” and “expertise” in his White House.

Good job the orange cocksplat is worried about covfefe and keeping muslims out of the US instead of doing something about our connected infrastructure. I mean the cyber is clearly nothing to worry about.