
Goodwin’s Law is not a law but a modern day meme like Grumpy Cat. It is a made up catch all argument popularized by an internet with it’s lack of attention span. It’s a twitter like response, quickly parroted by those of low intellect to put in their irrelevant 2 c into a discussion trying to steal few seconds of

Colbert is so last Thursday. John Oliver is where it’s at these days...

Instead they will now use Europe as a base to spread Jihad. It boggles my mind to let millions of 14th century thinking/behaving people into a 21 century progressive societies, while there are hundreds of thousands people in Europe or US that need help from hunger, homelessness or illness.

Calling someone racist is a such a lazy way to dismiss their argument. I wouldn’t call the author racist, rather a realists. Hard to swallow, difficult to think about reality but reality never the less.

.....and all I’m saying before you dismiss something read and think about it. The article which was written in 2009 and now more than ever reflects a growing sentiment in Europe. It’s easy to simply get offended while sitting comfortably behind a computer screen, I do that too btw.

We will see how well it will work out for the current ruling party in the next election, the storm is already brewing in Austria and right wing parties are gaining popularity quickly.

See Count Smorkula, unfortunately Europe also has ‘their current situation’ that makes it difficult for millions of immigrants to all-of-the-sudden show up on their doorsteps. Many of the Euro economies have their own poverty stricken populations and homelessness that needs to be first addressed, yet no one is willing

Ok, sure why don’t you open up your home to one of those fine refugees. That “somebody” can just as well be you.

So I will give you a bit of a different perspective on the subject. This is coming from someone who is not conservative, xenophobic or racist. Read it and think about it. Current problem with immigrants/refugees is complicated and just opening the floodgates is not a solution.

Matt, take a moment and read this article..not saying you should agree with everything the author is saying will definitely offer a different perspective that is often ignored.

Europe has a serious conundrum and as you said there is no easy fix. They are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Nobody wants to flood their countries with poor immigrants which are a drain on resources.

Who are “They” you are referring to?....

Nice, but I don’t understand why anyone in their right might would buy or recommend Lenovo considering their close relationship with Chinese Intelligence services and all the backdoor malware included on their machines. It’s like buying Kasparsky Antivirus software where its a known fact that Kasparsky is an extension

Btw, I just want to state for the record for everyone replying with “edgy this or edgy that”


Sure, just curious how is this fair to the Taxi industry...