
So in all fairness Uber Drivers in NY will also be required to drive one, right?

ah, cold beer, remote control and the plebs are in their happy place again.

“IBM says it wants to take the Green Horizon tech elsewhere in China”

Yes we all hoped for a nightlight in our toilet.

Because populous needs easy heroes to worship. Like Christopher Columbus, slaver, murderer and pedophile. Until recently you wouldn’t find a negative portrayal in any of the history books in US. Victors write history, they are also the ones often responsible for most atrocities, theft and manipulation..

Kate, cat is out of the bag we have been in an economic war with China and Russia for a while now. Doesn’t matter who started it. Both China & Russia take lack of response as weakness to further exploit.

Now playing

Additionally like a successful Church they get caught with their pants down, lying, cheating and profiteering. So they deny everything and point out to the evidence that everything is OK since there are hundreds of thousands joining daily.

So AM was run like a successful Church. Create a fake profile of a dude in the sky. Attract millions of gullible believers that are willing to pay for hope....

So what do we do about it?

That detail is usually omitted. I’m curious also if he ordered custom brick pieces specifically for this creation or are the pieces from various unrelated sets he had to improvise from.

Cost to build?

There should be a clear policy in Europe and US that if you travel to join ISIS you are free to do so but your citizenship is revoked and you can no longer come back or regain the citizenship.

I was all for windows 10 until giving it a serious look. Privacy, bah...what privacy. Looks like MS took a page from Spotify and Facebook playbook with windows 10.

But then we are taking away a quick way to tell apart people who are mostly poor, uneducated, with bad decision making skills. :)

don’t diss it until you try it. glad I’ve never joined facebook or any other BS antisocial network.

I did.

Vaio was always positioned as premium brand and failed, not sure what new strategy are they adopting?