
Gavin is a New York hipster which explains his Gawker/Tracie friendship, but he has been increasingly drifting toward "cranky old man" social conservatism bordering on outright racism/sexism in recent years, loosely following his relationship with Jim "Redneck Manifesto" Goad. He now writes lots of articles for this

Exactly. There's this great little short story called "The Yellow Wallpaper" that's all about how fun it is to be locked inside a house.

I know, right?

Studio 54, dahling. And we were prowling for cocaine, not hookups.

Not at this guy's nerd parties there weren't.

"Perrie Edwards of Little Mix, whom some of you may know as Zayn Malik's fiancee"

Originally on the Panthers, my friend.

It really depresses me how someone like Lena Dunham is constantly reduced to her body and what she puts on it.

I agree that she looks frumpy all the time. Her costume person on her show said they intentionally try to make Hannah look frumpy but then Lena herself looks frumpy too so what is she trying to say?!!!!

Jennifer Garner. Frumpy as f most of the time. Also, thin.

Or Anna Wintour sees dollar signs... Also, this comment is gross.

You forgot to throw a Benghazi in there.

Because every side needs a cheerleader that just spits out catchphrases and buzzwords to keep people riled up. Republicans have $arah, Democrats have Arianna Huffington. Libertarians have Bill Maher.

Totally wasted on wolf's blood and ground up scraps of the Constitution.

Its as criminal as pissing in one of the bubbling thermal pools at Yellowstone. Its a park for a reason. Either you think both are criminal, or neither are. I vote both.

Learn the difference between "your" and "you're" before you push publish, brah.

If those guys are from Utah, then those rocks couldn't be more than six thousand years old.

"Jackasses" is completely inappropriate—and hurtful—in this situation. Those people are clearly dumbasses. Maybe dumbfucks.

I knew I wasn't worthy of this man when I stopped reading at the word airplane in quotes.

There is only one Manuel of style. And he's from Canada.