Peggy Noonan's Toolbox Full Of Dildos

You sound like a moron.

This is a near-perfect metaphor.

Here’s the thing though: I don’t think most reasonable people go to Taco Bell for actual tacos - they go to Taco Bell specifically for Taco Bell (the local authentic mexican joint aint gonna coat your tacs in d’reets dust). It’s the same reason people don’t go to Sbarro for Italain (they go for shitty pizza, because

As a big fan of Mexican food, I both love Taco Bell and realize it is not at all anything Mexican. Like you can enjoy the artistry of professional boxing and still want to watch two drunk frat boys punch each other unconscious in the parking lot of a Church’s Chicken.

The real problem with this is that unless your ownership is utterly incompetent (i.e. Detroit) you have a profit before any player even sets foot on the field.

The Washington “Visitors”

So a group of people dominated an area for many years until outsiders moved in, took over everything, and routinely massacred the original inhabitants. Interesting.

3-4 decades you mean. 480i SDTV was just phased out in the aughts. I would expect regulation on fantasy football early 2044

They did a segment on HBO Real Sports about a year ago. It seems like the founders know that this isn’t forever, and they are going to make a mint right now before it eventually gets shut down. I can’t imagine that it’s going to decrease in size by any means since there are soooo many people that don’t even realize


Also: are there very large checks? I make all of my absolutely-not-gambling decisions based on whether or not there are very large checks.

Not only are you throwing your money away, you’re also subsidizing those assholes with the giant checks in the commercials.

(squints) Why does the last sentence in that 9 paragraph disclaimer say “Winnings payable in bitcoins”?


It’s hard to overstate just how badly I want Mariota to thrive and Winston to bust. The 30 for 30 on the Bucs’ decision would just be so glorious.

You mean this guy?

I’ve always assumed tailgating was something you did the day of the game. If you are drinking in a Buffalo RV parking lot on Saturday night, you aren’t tailgating, your just living your life in Buffalo.

Bad picks? Stumbling on his ass? Getting blown out by Mariota’s team?