Peggy Noonan's Toolbox Full Of Dildos

When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong

And while you’re here, can you piss in this cup?

“...I called into the local Top 40 radio station...”

And this shit is unnecessarily adding to the ugliness. Please don’t defend it.

And also not mine, so...

I will tell you this. If there was one thing I did NOT see coming, it was the baseball establishment coming down on the side of the grumpy, aggressive old fart as opposed to the talented youngster. Would never have predicted that.

Ah, yes. “If you don’t get it, I don’t feel like explaining.” The position of those with no argument.

I'm just genuinely confused as to what your issue is.

Should he have jumped the barricade to administer first aid instead?

For what it’s worth, the dude who authored the bill that legalized fantasy football is now saying “oh, yeah, no, that shit needs to be outlawed. I really didn’t know what it was gonna become.”

Reasons not to have a man bun, ranked:

“I got this... PASS! Wait, that’s the QB’s job... And are we green and white or white and green?”

So you were just trolling. You got me, fair and square.

I found the right home city! Don’t even need to build a stadium and look at the accommodations!

All those words and you think I need to chill? Hmm.

Just wanted to say that I love these and look forward to them as much as I do WYTS. Thanks for doing them again.

So what actually IS your point?

I’ve worked in HR. This is in no way true.

Honestly, I’m shocked Jeb (sorry,) JEB! is running such a shitshow. I would have bet money he was gonna run a totally safe, sterile, conservative campaign that would have had 48%+ of the country eating it up with a spoon.