Peggy Noonan's Toolbox Full Of Dildos

Determine if your skull is the right shape as to pull off the balding look (if it’s sorta yes but sorta no, visualize if facial hair might offset whatever is giving you doubts) and if you feel like it’s yes, just shave the shit. Short cuts and buzzes aren’t gonna totally hide the balding and being bald is just another

If I had to guess, she felt like the case wasn’t being handled properly or quickly by the cops, so she tried to hurry it along by doing the absolute worst thing she could have done (assuming the accuser’s story has legs in the first place), but exactly what someone who has no idea how the law works might do if they

Yeah, I mean, hope small for starters. Hope to go, like, 5-11. Don’t aim too far above your station.

They make a DVR for cell phone ads? Because I don’t even HAVE cable.

Monday. How anyone could disagree is beyond me.

Winter is fine so long as it never dips below 40.

Nnnnnnnno, no. Fall’s alright by me. Great day weather, optimal sleeping weather, dedicated eating holidays, etc.

For sure and if you think you can swing that kind of life where you’re analyzing algorithms for 50+ hours a week for variable payoff, more power to you.

It’s funny. I’m a fantasy football virgin, but I always assumed part of the fun was picking your team for the season, mourning your injuries, celebrating those of others, experiencing the highs and lows, etc.

I can’t speak for him, but I find the commercials and ads annoying and overbearing and thus would enjoy not seeing them anymore.


Having to confront your own reality makes you that angry, hmm?

Ah. You have the really nice one with the medals in your vacation home, I take it.

I’m sure it’s the world’s nicest fireplace with a gorgeous mantle that’s practically covered in Olympic medals and whatnot. Yup.

The difference is that I didn’t expect you, dumb as you are, to believe that I am RDJ. That was me making fun of you.

I can tell reading isn’t your thing, but did you miss where I’m Robert Downey, Jr.? I have several homes that are worth far more than $200K.

You live in a $200 house?

I don’t think a hopeless burnout has any room to be casting stones about drooling stupors (not “stoopers”) and basement dwelling.