Peggy Noonan's Toolbox Full Of Dildos

She acknowledged that she was basically highjacking the PC to speak out of turn about something she wasn’t questioned about. She didn’t beg for forgiveness. She just acknowledged that it was an improper (but necessary to her) thing to do. Nothing wrong with that.

Cyborg fights at 145. She’s not too big for Ronda. She just refuses drop to 135 because she can’t juice like she does and make that weight and knows that if she stops juicing, she’s gonna get wrecked (which would probably happen anyway).

Yes, fighters that want to make any real money need the UFC because MMA isn’t like boxing, where there’s 46 different licensing bodies and 46 different title structures. (This is also what makes MMA easy to follow/be a fan of and what made boxing a niche sport.)

I’ll admit to not being well versed in how fantasy football works, but I don’t think you go to casinos to do it...?

Probably slower than they’re making money off suckers who think it’s possible to toss down $20 on the Falcons and walk away with a comically oversized check for $1,000,000. Think how insane people get over leagues with their friends where the jackpot is $100.

Of course, the trade-off is that (most) 40-hour jobs give you the same paycheck at the end of the week. This is a 60-hour+ job that guarantees you no fixed return or return at all. Depending on how knowledgeable you are and how much time you put into it, you may come out ahead more than not, but it takes a very

Who cares? Here’s video of two dudes hugging! One of them looks super excited! Maybe they’re in a casino for some reason? And now video of a guy crying!

The Feds will come down on them soon enough. One Day Fantasy Football is a fairly new thing (at least as it currently exists) and the government is always about 3-5 years behind on technology.

It is AND it’s a job where you are not guaranteed a certain payday or any payday at all.

Yup. That reads like a internet comment that is a a (correct, but) poorly written, bad imitation of Drew Magary. People get paid for that?

Look, I’m sorry I pooped on your awful crowd behavior for toilet people. Be a toilet person if that’s your style, man. Just don’t ask me to do it.

It’s not about disrupting the flow. It’s about not participating inspiring articles like the very one we’re discussing right now.

Sure. You’re also allowed to shout “BABABOOEY” during a moment of silence. Just because you’re allowed to do something doesn’t mean doing it won’t draw negative attention to you.

Nah, the wave is garbage. If I feel inclined to stand up and cheer for something, I’ll do it and won’t expect anyone next to me to do it as well. I only ask for that consideration back.

This screencap should be a Deadspin HoF nominee.

JaMarcus Winston.

Oh, I know. It just looks like he’s fucking ballooned since the offseason.


Man Does Only Right, Morally Defensible Thing
