Peggy Noonan's Toolbox Full Of Dildos

As I said, I’m not a lawyer, so, yeah.

My guess is the day he’s put on trial or convicted.

I never knew how that story got any traction seeing as it ignores two things:

Until Snuka gets Hoganed out of history.

This shouldn’t be grey.

No. The only thing they could possibly tie to him would be his (presumably) bribing the original DA not to file charges, but unless the original DA kept paperwork regarding the bribe (which would make him the worst DA ever), Vince can’t be legally tied to this.

Have they? I know it’s generally accepted that he killed her, but it always came off to me that it was the kind of thing where everyone knows what happened but nobody’s going to jail for it (like so many things in pro wrestling).

What I’m curious about is what RG3 would have to do to even GET cut. It’s obvious that Gruden would have done it by now if he could, but Snyder’s blocked it. By all accounts, Snyder and Griffin are pretty tight. Is there any way this ends that doesn’t also end Griffin’s career?

Sad thing is his best friend saying that he wasn’t dangerous, he was just arrested like 15 times for things, in his own words, that adults don’t usually get arrested for.

Go back to Gawker. They’ve already posted the daily cop thread for you to masturbate into.

That’s, uh, that’s something.

Holy shit. Art.

You know, at least Jason Garrett gets to have some nice steak dinners and ride around in the Fuck Bus. You’re a total puppet and fraud as the Dallas HC, but at least you benefit from it.

Just to be a prick, you know he’s gonna force Gruden to start RG3 at least once before he shitcans him, too.

Having three quarterbacks is a good thing if they’re good quarterbacks.

“The Jets are not interested in Robert Griffin III, sources tell me.”

So if the suspension is upheld, does Bob Kraft have Roger Goodell buried alive in the middle of a forest?


Barely concealing sheer terror and panic while recklessly attempting to reach the level of “good enough” in any given endeavor?

Yeah, but that covers NEW gun sales.