Peggy Noonan's Toolbox Full Of Dildos

1. Just to be clear, I own no guns, have no plans to and have never even seen one in real life, much less had one for a hobby.

But before any of this can be enacted, you need to get the guns that are already out there under control. How does that happen?

“Caught” being the key word. The police caught Vester Flanagan with a gun. Too bad he killed two people first.

The war was lost after (arguably) Columbine and (inarguably) Sandy Hook.

I’ve already had this out with him, just on the off-chance that he was the guy who had the answers and the plan that everyone else with the same idea didn’t. He doesn’t.

They don’t really care if women want to do it or can do it. They just need a PERSON who can do it. Beyond a heartbeat and semi-functional eyes, nothing else matters one way or the other.

Roger Goodell has carefully mulled this over, because he wants to make it right.

“Marshawn, spoke to NBC News and stated ‘I’m only here so I don’t get fined.’”

Carol’s burner located.

No, I mean people who interact with others exclusively on the Internet and have no personal communication skills.

Unfortunately, a lot of Internet people need to hear step by step instructions on how to live day to day.

Correct. That would be the parasite in question.

Also? Flawed question.

Don’t forget that he presumed to know how Josh Duggar’s victims felt and would feel about the molestation in years to come.

You did. Never go full Gawker.

And if you sit out a year? You’re 4 years older next time you try, with all the athletic limitations 4 years can add.

I think you do. Think about it from an olympian’s viewpoint.

I would say you beat me to it, but I have no photoshop skills anyway.

Yeah, I think it’s gonna burst a bit and you’re gonna see this off-field fluff take a massive ratings hit, but does it matter? If the NFL keeps producing the shit in order to maintain market saturation, whatever network signs on to air the games (and there will ALWAYS be a bidding war over the rights to the NFL) will

Legally, no. Money lent to a friend is money given to a friend; that’s common sense. Morally? Meh. I mean, yeah, I guess I could see it, but: