
The "one of these days I'm going to cut you into little tiny pieces" always creeped me out too. My now ex-husband had it on and jammed it up and that line just scared the crap out of me. (That's not the reason we divorced :))

Agreed! My second favorite episode (second only to A Stop at Willoughby)

My favorite part of Maximum Overdrive was our man Emilio Estevez yelling, "Adios motherfucker!!!". I was in 8th grade when it came out and my mom took my best friend and me to see it. We made her sit like four rows behind us because we were too cool to be with my mom. She still reminds me of this to this day! :)

Agreed. The whole part where MJ goes, "Paul, I'm a lover not a fighter" just made me want to gag. (And this was before the criminal allegations came to light)

Southern Cross by Seals & Croft for me! (And "Rise" by Herb Alpert…not sure if that counts as 70s Lite though)

Yes. Your screen name sums up that movie perfectly.

I remember that! I also watched a few times because I honestly couldn't believe what I was seeing. I felt sorry for the wives.

Agreed. They screened this in my local theater about a month ago and it was a great time. They even started with some cheesy 80s movie previews (I don't know if those were real movies or not; part of me hopes not). One difference between this and the Room is the absolute earnestness of the creator of Miami Connection.

I'm both sorry and happy to read this. Sorry because you now share the pain we do but happy because the movie is hilarious in a sick sort of way.

I just saw it at the State Theater in Ann Arbor, MI and yes, we proudly chanted "fuck that dress". My personal favorite part was when people ran up to the stage and did snow angels in the spoons and had "spoonball" fights.