
Patricia Clarkson is killing it as Adora. I imagined someone like Gillian Anderson while reading the book -Adora has that Hitchcock icy blonde vibe that Anderson had in Hannibal, and she would’ve been great for this role. But man, Clarkson is absolutely brilliant. You can feel the contempt she feels for Camille.

*reviewer doesn’t like a show* omg let someone else review this
*reviewer loves a show* omg someone else should be writing this

She was sexual anti matter.

Yes, because the real crime here isn’t that a pool took money for a service and then refused a refund for denying that service... It’s that some black kids demanded their money back and refused to leave without it.

Why in the world would these children be in the wrong for asking for a refund if they weren’t going to be serviced? It’s incredible that they were charged at all given the circumstances. Certainly they should’ve been entitled to receive their money back and the police shouldn’t have been called to begin with.

Yeah that might fly if she hadn’t sued Howard University for discrimination and claimed it was because she was white. This wasn’t when she was 5 years old, she was applying for a teaching assistant job at Howard. So her story changes to suit the questions being asked.

The Stanley gif made this entire exchange golden. I bow down.

It doesn’t matter how tall he is when I’m sitting on his face...

No one in this thread has complained about unfairness.

You made a glib comment that you still haven’t been able to support. Goodbye.

Show me the adoption agency that can guarantee a family to anyone who walks through the door, and I’ll show you liars and charlatans, or worse. Adoption exists to further the interests of children without families, and some people aren’t going to be the right family for the children needing one. And some lovely and

There are people on this thread who got turned down for marital status, disability, and economic status reasons, as well as people who have famously not been able to adopt due to being gay or trans. Are you serious with this?

That still doesn’t back up your 100% assertion.

And I certainly hope you’re not trying to imply that adoptive families are just too darned picky, because that would only further underline your lack of knowledge.

At least where I live, a ‘sucessful’ adoption can take 2-3 years to complete (if not more) and people get turned down for reasons like these: not being rich (and I mean RICH), being unmarried, being married for too short a time, deeming your employment unstable, deeming your education to be lacking, and so on. I’m

OMG. :( Do people really not know how horrible they are when they open their mouths??? The only acceptable answer for any of it is “I’m sorry you’re going thru that, I’m here for you, if wanna hug, a drink, to cry, or curse or whatever I’ll be there in a minute” Support. That’s it. Save the stupid advice.

I WISH it were 100%. It took us two years to finish the homestudy process. We are only now on the waiting list, and there is no guarantee we will ever get a child. Your 100% figure is charmingly naive.

Have you adopted? Because I have and you are so, so wrong.

You can get turned down for adoption for any number of reasons. It’s not a 100% chance, not by a long shot.

In what world? They just don’t hand out kids.

Back when we were struggling to conceive, I schooled an anti-choice acquaintance on why we couldn’t “just adopt” a baby (~$60K in fees, Guatemala closed its program, rejection from other international programs for my hearing loss and his Crohn’s, heartbreak over a state-side mom who changed her mind). She nodded her

Honestly, I really need to know why the Conservative Right is so fucking obsessed with the contents of my vagina.