
“if his album is not nominated in no categories, I’m not showing up to the Grammys”

I have see-thru pants.

How about you don’t grab them anywhere. Not the pussy, the brain, or anything in between.

Oh, I do - when we voted to leave the EU I was flabbergasted, disgusted, heartbroken etc, and I still am, but much more quietly now. I know (and despite their political beliefs, am great friends with) lots of leavers. I don’t agree with or even respect their choice here, but they’re not bad people - just not very

“It’s too loud in this coffee shop! I’ll never get this abortion paperwork done!!”

I feel like if any politician cites religion as influencing any decision in policy making they should immediately be disqualified to vote on or create said policies. Research and facts, science, let’s stick to that please.

This is so dead on. Just a month or so ago I finally told my employer about a more senior colleague raping me several years ago, partially because he’s now being given increasing managerial powers and is supervising women. My family couldn’t understand why I would put myself at risk by telling them, but so much of

I am 32. I consider myself a strong ass woman. Not a victim. NEVER a victim. But what is shocking, and humbling about this entire election is the fact that other women are speaking out about things that I have just accepted in my life as part of being a woman, and that I’ve forgotten about until now. I truly forgot

You’re an asshole. I’m less offended by the ass slap than by your rudeness and blaming here. Also, I fought off a would-be date rapist when I was 21 which was a fight actually worth having.

Woah, don’t blame my husband, he’s awesome. It happened in a flash. Like, slap one sec, lost in the crowd the next. Was my husband supposed to chase the guy down and assault him back? The ass-slapper was wasted and I saw no reason to make a scene at the bar, either.

Bruni’s piece on this today in the NYT is AMAZING.

“Suspicion of sleeves” is delightfully Wodehouseian.

Accurate. Except the white guy is still given the opportunity to become all the great things, because we wouldn’t want to deprive him.

“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”

Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.

This. That glorious, rosy view of the past literally never existed. There was no wonderful time of peace and harmony where everyone all got along because they did what God (and his mouth-pieces on earth) told them to. People have always been ‘bad’ in the eyes of the religious right. There have always been beaters and

Every time I hear the word Schlafly I picture Professor Frink from The Simpsons.

Well, if her male heir said it was important then by all means... Dude, this is part of the death by a thousand cuts women face every day. “It’s just a headline” It’s just a compliment” “It’s just a joke” “It’s just an ad” It’s just a music video” “It’s just the way they do things here” “well that’s what people think

It’s good that she managed to overcome the handicap of not pleasing boners to still do something or other with her life.

“Innocent until proven guilty” is a legal doctrine - it applies to the justice system, not to everyday life. It’s very weird to me that people seem to have absorbed it as something they need to believe in personally. “Oh, Susan told me her child was molested by Bill, but innocent until proven guilty... so sure, let’s