
Agreed. As a white woman who grew up with a large group of African American friends and was in and out of their homes it is infuriating whenever white people make a big deal out of every slight aimed at them by minorities as though it is remotely comparable to the shit that POC in this country (and around the world)

What you don’t seem to realize is that there is no single “most qualified” person for cabinet positions. There are many people with very similar backgrounds and qualifications. We aren’t going to sacrifice qualifications and experience in the cabinet in favor of diversity. We’re going to have both.

Aw, the “you don’t know me” defense. I can read your words. They’re pretty clear. No one ever brings up “qualifications” unless someone is promising to hire women or people of color. Open your eyes, push back against what you’ve been socially conditioned to think, and improve. There’s nothing wrong with recognizing

But you know as well as I do that when people disregard “race, sex, or any other consideration” they hire white men. That’s what that language means. That’s what you’ve absorbed, whether you want to admit it or not. That’s how you fully justify all white male cabinets, boards, workplaces. That’s how you justify sexism

Now I’m envisioning an undercover activist wearing a tear-off outfit taking the job and then halfway through the event, when the line is longest, tearing off her clothes and screaming LOOK AT MY PIERCED CLITORIS YOU GUN-TOTING MONSTERS and then Zoidberging out of there.

Well, troll, people don’t usually need to protest those types of crimes because the police call them murder, investigate them as a murder, arrest the culprits if they can find them, have a trial, and put the murderers in jail. All without blaming the child for causing his own murder.

The “I’ve completely bought into the myth that there is one correct way for a woman to look and my idea of womanhood has been so circumscribed by conservative ideology that I feel like I have to look like this in order to preserve what’s left of my self-worth” look.

Daughters. Educating fathers that women are actually human beings since the dawn of time.

oh my god, that person #alllivesmatter’d you about DOGS

Why does every male feel the need to “protect” women on this one fucking issue?? Like dude, we are good with transgender women using the women’s bathroom. Maybe try being this upset about how few rape kits are actually tested? Or that only 2% of rapists actually ever get convicted (meaning there are legitimate sexual

The problem is that it's been proven that dressing modestly DOESN'T keep women and girls (or anyone else) safe from rapists, and that it sends boys, men, and abusers the wrong message when they constantly hear that women and girls need to avoid dressing a certain way in order for them not to rape.

in your endo!

Penis penis penis vagina vagina vagina.

If people enjoy working out during and after pregnancy, good for them.

Yup. Anytime people include colors that people are not, you can dismiss anything they say after that as lies. And they're more than likely a secret racist.

If she had the characters she would have added “polka dotted”

One of these days, some person will say some insensitive shit about race, and won’t include the hypothetical green and/or purple people in their sorry-not-sorry, or just not-sorry in this case, response and I’ll think to myself, “Progress!”

On the last day of school in fifth grade, my teacher gave me his old, worn copy of the BFG (my then-favourite book) with an inscription telling me he was proud of how well I had done that year and that I should keep reading. I had only barely scraped through fourth grade with a great deal of extra attention from that

Right? Seems only fair. The next time someone catcalls me on the street, can I shoot them? The next time someone grabs at my clothes on the subway, can I smash their face in with a brick? The next homeless dude who yells that he wants to have sex with me when I walk by, can I beat his head in with a tire iron, or

Exactly! All these MRA types love to think of men as downtrodden, but they do little to nothing for the most vulnerable men out there. They’re silent about male victims of sexual assault unless they’re trying to derail a feminist argument about female victims. They’re silent about trans men. They’re silent about gay