
Huh? It's not that you're not allowed to focus on who you're attracted to. You can want someone "out of your league". Everyone's attracted to different things. Elliot Rodger seems to have been preoccupied with blondes that he thought were too good looking for him. I mean, aside from the obvious self-hatred there,

Cuz that's really important to share in a a story about how women are being sexually repressed.

ooo faux lesbian making out. HOW CAN ANYONE BE THIS EDGY GUYS???

Your daughter is much, much more likely to be sexually assaulted than your son is to be falsely accused. Hell, it's much more likely that your daughter will be sexually assaulted than that your son would face any criminal charges if he did rape someone, let alone be punished for it, even if he taped it, posted it on

I drew that dinosaur, you guys. I drew it.

If you're poor and want to access the internet, where do you go? Not everyone has a computer, a smart phone, and/or wifi at home.

Spoken like someone who doesn't use their library.

"Flaunting her curves" is the WORST. They use it CONSTANTLY. Gross.

This is exactly how I feel about Christians and all other organized religions.

I am less bothered by this trend than I am the trend of people posting unflattering photos of ME on Facebook. The latter is a much more egregious violation of privacy (and vanity), and also more important in general, because it affects me directly.

Jesus fucking Christ JamesMcKeane, for the last time, actual women go to these pub quizzes who have actually been raped, and they have the right to not have their horrific fucking experiences made light of and their PTSD triggered when all the want to do is have a fucking pint and get stuck into the 'guess the song'

I met this man at the 2012 London Olympics!

I have the same reactions when one of my guy friends says this to me. "I didn't really believe in feminism until I had a daughter!"

And artificial banana flavoring. We don't tolerate that either.

I know Juror B37. I know her very well, actually.

I'm amazed that someone could remain so well-spoken while being such a complete badass.

Is anyone else bothered by the phrasing here? No way to treat "a lady"? I feel like the shitty, misogynist response to this ad is like "well, she ain't no lady." Dunno. It irks me.

What the fuck is wrong with people?!?? If you can't afford your lavish, $200/plate wedding without expecting your guests to pay for it, then don't fucking have a lavish, $200/plate wedding, you spoiled, entitled, pathetic brats.

Dorothy Zbornak's jacket would be longer and the sleeves would be rolled up.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with men and women generally reacting differently to things. Whether or not the different reactions are inherent or socialized is a different story.