
It's a stylistic choice, and definitely not a fault, as many, including myself, found the whimsy endearing. The show is just fun, and one shouldn't hold things under a magnifying glass like that (altho, I imagine, it would hold up better than the vast majority of shows on TV).

Well, they COULD just contact future Q and get the dirt on every single event that'll happen, but that is not the point. IT would be way too much of a deus ex machina to have her solve everything all the time. Besides, it must be difficult to contact future people. Like, what area code would you use?

Speak for yourself. I'm wonderful.

Yeah, we need to go back to shows and movies with all white male casts. Fuck progress, I LIKE hunting dinosaurs with stone clubs!!! Oooga boooga!

And your blackness makes other black people relate to you and thus feel sympathy for you. Point?

And you are shocked that they would then have little sympathy for you? How about we all just give a damn. If even just a bit (as if you know his bank account balance, are you a sentient Bank Machine?!) It really isn't that hard. Trust me. Unless you really do share a room with Bundy afterall.

ACTUALLY, the whole Dr. Strange thing is China's fault, before you go blaming the crackers for that. See, China likes to pretend that the people they opress do not exist, and if you wanna do business with them, you gotta pretend too! Ancient One and the entire area where Strange stays whilst training is Tibetan,

You pussies need to stop whinin' and make daddy a sangwitch!!!! Eastwood's a man's man, when men would ride each other hard in bathrooms across the country and go home to their wives with whatever new STDs they happened to pick up. Ahh, the golden age!

So did Adolf Hitler.

You both have lost the right to have opinions.

Anyone confused by Genisys is just plain dumb. Plot is simple enough to follow for anyone with average intellect.

It is up there with T2 and the show, IMO. I loved the movie. And I hate the 3rd and 4th ones with a passion.

The latest Terminator is AMAZING. It really is so much better than the jaded, idiot critics say it is.

third was shit. Genisys surprised me greatly, and I loved it! All this hate is nostalgia-based. Basically, there is no way they would have given the new movie a chance. They went in having decided to hate it.

Red Eagle have gone above and beyond copyright trolling by such luminaries as Edge Games. How in the seven hells did ANYONE think to sell rights to these monumental losers/hacks?! They are the epitome of trash. Their name and reputation is trash. No one in their right mind will ever do business with these pariahs.