
Um - so this is a Tesla only thing? Can’t wait til all those fancy new 2020-2022 cars hit the road (you know, Porsche, Mustang E and just about every other company that banked on this to be their CARB number maker). And this is not just an issue at remote chargers, it’s an issue for household locations. How many

I just have one thing to say, again and again and again. Why is it that just the U.S. is affected by these supposedly poisonous regular vaping products? Did biology magically just start respecting borders? Yes, I know a handful of Canadians were affected as well - but why is there no outbreak in EU where this is just

Even IF Chuck’s plan would give 100% of the $454B to car buyers, that’s just $7.2k per car. However, more than $50B is going to infrastructure under this plan bringing the “incentive” to around $6k. A decent “level” charger alone is $2k, let alone the cost of these cars. It’s a start - but this plan is a bust.

And in other worlds - limit the true luxury flier, those with personal jets. I remember recently that Google held their annual environmental summit in Italy and all the who’s who of the world took their own private planes. Why? If they don’t want to mix with the common folk (some have legit reasons not to) then I’m

They already do tax the hell out of FF. Take a look at your ticket price - more than half is taxes. Recently I got a “free” ticket from using my miles (mind you collected over 5 years) and the taxes cost me $1400 to use. Sure it was a business class ticket, but I’ve flown the same route - even a longer one - in

Giz - c’mon, stop being like the rest of media. It’s not THC vaping - it’s what the THC is dissolved in and sometimes the source weed used (junk crop that was sprayed with nasty insecticides). Why can’t the reporting start being accurate - especially here where things can get technical? While 78% are vaping THC carts

There have been a few in Canada - but that’s it as far as we’ve been told. So yea, it must be the juice and vaping since it impacts 1.0001 countries (didn’t marginalize Canada, just that so few have been affected).

Slightly off topic - as not Zuck related but... those on IOS 13.x did you notice that Facebook is asking for full access to Bluetooth? Why the hell would a social media app need to access headphones, streams of music, metadata of music, text messages flowing from phone to car displays, <snarky> oh - wait. I see.

Not just Tesla issue - rental car, an advanced package BMW with lane assist... sudden narrowing of the road caused the car to swerve into oncoming traffic. Counter steered it immediately the other way just in time... to slam into the curb (it was a panicked reaction after all). Could have been much worse - and that’s

This is such a nonstory it’s not even funny Giz. With WIFI and guest nets you have two options... client isolation or not. Client isolation would fix this with a single setting at the cost of not allowing anyone there to connect to things like printers, screens in conference rooms and projectors. That or WeWork would

Wait wait...

As teens in the 80s, we were able to get our hands cigarettes. Period. Either sold illegally or stolen or bought by a straw buyer. We got them. Today’s teen is no different. Close off the spigot and all you’re doing is flaming the black market - now no longer for just THC carts that are poisoning people, but for

You just know that there is a team of mapping geniuses working overtime at Tesla to program-in ideal lines through the entire ring run and they will autopilot the sucker. If they aren’t they are really missing a PR opp.

Many years ago: Steve Wozniak says, the Macintosh is never going to amount to anything, stick to Apple II. 

It’s got one VERY good reason to be done... LIDAR won’t bounce off it. Hmmm.. stealth car. (once they get the chrome begone applied)

Is it tied to the handful of high-altitude blimps flying over the midwest? The recently landed air-force space drone? Probably not. But maybe they have invented a method of radio comms that can penetrate deep underground.

Yet somehow, of late, it seems we know a lot of people who have cancer.

Except contrary to popular belief, it’s not cattle farts but cattle burps that cause the issue. Please revise the ‘shop.

I imagine there was a group of “hosting providers” and “platforms,” back then known as printing companies and printing presses, that in the 1760's were in a similar boat. There was this group of “colonists” who lived under the government of England who spewed all sorts of filth. Good thing that the law was ignored and

So. 1,500,000 firearms in New Zealand. 10k turned in. Hmmm... Seems it is not working. Same math USA - 393,000,000 estimated (granted via Wikipedia), so similar math means about 300k to be turned in? Probably all from CA, NY and IL, while the rest become illegal overnight. The irony is that those 10/300k are the ones