The AV Club has some balls to throw shade at another site's broken search engine
The AV Club has some balls to throw shade at another site's broken search engine
Not that Conan isn't still very funny, but that messing around that he's doing in the first 3 minutes of that star wars video is what is missed
Nothing actually bad, just said in a way that didn't come off the greatest.
He's been saying "it's shopped" to everyone sending him a pic taken from space
The bible also says God dwells above the circle of the earth.
The problem is BOB has never made a dope rap
Yea, that's definetly part of it, but I think there's a difference between a deserved healthy suspicion of the powers that be, and thinking the earth is flat. This dude has a lot of replies agreeing with him.
He has to be though. This would be one of the greatest troll jobs ever, and if it came out he was faking it would kill career even more dead than it is.
Wahlberg is incredible in this.
Okay B.o.b.
I'm so so sorry for posting this
This looks really cheap
This was AWESOME.
Zach loves saying Schweppes
Looked like it made Zach break.
The Resistance is a great game for making a group of friends turn on each other and explode into intense fighting.
I did not know a woman was the cinematographer, very cool. She did indeed do an incredible job.
Tessa Thompson was great too
Ben Shapiro is really going to fill his diaper. More than usual.