Peeping Torgo

That is a worse font than Comic Sans

Let's get this out of the way. Dat. Ass. Barry you messed up.


Grimes is the absolute best

from the Imagine Dragons rioters

well i'll be damned

Have you seen the latest Nissan (I think) ads? The music rips off "Where is My Mind" in a huge way, kind of surprised there hasn't been a stink about it.

Secondarily to the matter at hand, it's also nice seeing how people in bands I like respond in a supportive way.

I'll probably call attention to this more, but I hope there's an article about this:
edit: major CEO of Music PR accused of multiple instances of sexual misconduct

Probably Ferrell's funniest impression


I've got a raging clue!

Chip Baskets is an A+ fictional name

This might be the worst opinion I've ever seen

It had its time to shine

Ernest Borgnine said the secret to his longevity was masturbating a lot

*Throws a dollar at you*

Yea but do you plow through mounds of cocaine?

Maybe it's a lover's pact deal

I could have got him into bed in three lines