Well, at least it looks like his hat gets his jokes.
Well, at least it looks like his hat gets his jokes.
Tebow: “Then the Lord God made a woman from the-”
So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s bones and then closed up the place with flesh. And from the bone that the LORD God had taken from the man, he made into a woman and brought her to the man. And the woman said, “Fucking Binghamton??”
Tim Tebow: Doctor, I’d like to have the bone made into a wife.
Of course. He’s Michael’s type.
Well, more precisely, this is a buck, you can see his peter.
The reason you couldn’t find Kamino is because someone erased it from the Jedi archives.
As a veteran of the Iraq debacle I would like to add fuck Lee Greenwood and that fucking song.
I mean, it isn’t his fault the ball got kicked into the air like that, but that ball was thrown so far behind the receiver you’d think Bortles was still on daylight savings time.
Actually, would kind of be in favor of that for Lee Greenwood.
It’s gotta be either Loofa rash, Hot tub foot, Bone worm, Dirt belly or Puff knuckle.
He beat everyone to that clarification.