
Yea Hillary might have lost by more had it not been for Gary. And Jill hardly made a dent. They refuse to look at their failures instead of blaming everyone else.

I haven’t been able to go on the slot in months. All the ageism and anti semitism against Bernie and Jill was disgusting.

Hillary is good? The same Hillary who’s been fucking over poc for years ? The same one who just turned her back on native Americans in North Dakota protesting so their water won’t be contaminated ? Yea sorry I have higher standards.

Yaaaas go Queen Hillary. I’ll keep praying for her.

Yea it’s sad dems chose a terrible candidate. maybe they’ll get it right next time.

But but Hillary was more electable that’s why everyone was with her! I guess until now. Good thing we didn’t pay attention to those polls which said Bernie could beat trump. Yasss Queen.

Plenty of women don’t like her. Fuck out of here with your Gloria steinem excuses. This is why Clinton lost because all you guys know how to do is shout dude Bros and misogyny when the fact of the matter is Clinton was a terrible choice.

Anecdote but I know small business owners who are immigrants and think trump will benefit them.

Fuck you. You and the other neoliberals failed this country by picking a terrible candidate. Don’t blame oppressed people for this shit.


If it makes your little white heart feel better, my state went blue for Hillary.

Lmao. Thanks for proving my point white boy. Poc are only necessary if they can serve you. 👍

Maybe they couldn’t make it because they still don’t have clean water.

What? As opposed to trumps supposed link to putin ? Which is it?

Yup. Just wait, all the neoliberals who said us minorities need to vote for Hillary will start to blame us for her loss.

Yea all the women who think Hillary sucks are misogynists, including myself. Good theory !

Thank you. These clowns here are pathetic. Hillary fucking sucks.

Yea her bio says she was born in Mexico. Weird phrasing.

No one is saying it’s shocking, Jesus. They’re saying our system is shit, and we need to make it better. But then there’s people like you who like the status quo because that’s the only way things can be or change is hard.

It’s like the fools who donated to reopen the gop office in NC . It’s good sportsmanship because this is all just a game to them.