is it still “racist” to think Winslow is a piece of shit or nah? All the virtue signalers from just a week ago (and the many other times Winslow keeps doing bad shit) would have you believe so... wonder if they’ll swing by this post.
is it still “racist” to think Winslow is a piece of shit or nah? All the virtue signalers from just a week ago (and the many other times Winslow keeps doing bad shit) would have you believe so... wonder if they’ll swing by this post.
Just what the internet needs - a snarky social media account. FINALLY!
Challenge: quote for me one line where I defended Sylvester Stallone. You can’t (because you’re a liar and hack), but it’ll be fun to watch you try :)
Yes. Wendy’s makes a better burger than In and Out. Sorry if that ruins some hipster thing you got going on here.
I’m actually not. I stated that their mother clearly doesn’t believe that story (fact), that the NY Post is a gossip rag (fact) and that using it as proof that Stallone sexually assaulted a girl in Israel is not the best way to go (fact).
can you give us examples?
if you think this is bad, wait until y’all get the NBA’s (and Silver’s) dick out of your mouth in the off-season long enough to see what’s happening in China, where the league and its partners continues to increase it’s spending.
basically the same posture I had when you said that Hereditary scared you
thank you. Just go to Wendy’s or Five Guys and call it a day.
Wendy’s makes a better burger than In and Out. Stop falling for hipster campaigns.
well it can’t be worst than the show
People can say anything. Doesn’t make it true. You should probably have learned that by now at this stage in your life.
I’ll copy and paste my original comment again.
Does the sister also have two other allegations against her and is currently being investigated by the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office?
pretty confident anyone can use the same measures to discredit the sister like you just tried to do with the mother.
Jacqueline Stallone, mother of Sly and Toni-Ann, says the settlement was the result of blackmail by Filiti, whom she described as a pillpopping drug addict desperate for cash.
I go to the first showing of a movie on Tuesdays after it’s release. No one takes Tuesday off from work. Theaters are usually empty even for the blockbusters. It’s the best.
nah, that movie was bad too
Can’t be much worse than what hipsters have done to it