Peeking Out My Glass House

careful where you’re throwing those stones...

thing is, Wilbon actually makes a decent point here. I don’t like the guy either, but Chris seems more enamored by ripping Wilbon than actually sitting down and thinking about these points. They’re honestly not bad.

There’s one thing that you never bounce back from and that’s putting your hands on a woman.

remember when you stated that women’s tennis performance was directly related to their boob size? Good times Samer. Good times.

sure it does sweetie. Keep up. Good luck!

you’re trying too hard kiddo. Maybe read an American history book sometime... hell, just go to the 90s. Or 80s. Or 70s. Your options are vast.

you had your chance with Rodman the other night and no one asked

how long before you guys ask Kristin Cavallari?

it’s funny to imagine how much of a failure Draymond would be with pretty much any other team

it’s cute that you think he’s the first corrupt as fuck President

At one point a couple months ago, there was real belief that the bid of Morocco, the other country vying for 2026 World Cup hosting rights, was gaining steam in large part because of much of the world’s anti-Trump sentiment.

who appropriated dreadlocks

BREAKING: women are crazy

his lack of MORE championships is largely pinned on the fact that he’s had mostly dead ass teams.

I did. But Ron Swanson and April carried the show after season 1, and then they tried to hand it to Ansari.

LOL. You don’t know anything about either of them that they don’t want you to know.

I know you and Pete are young and attractive and rich and famous and impulsive

girl poop smells much worse than boy poop

I’d watch anything with Tina Fey. Amy Poehler is grossly unfunny and can’t do anything without crawling on Fey’s coat tails. Liz Lemon was a smart and strong character... Leslie Knope was a legitimate stalker and buffoon.

nah. This is dumb.