
Even the actors didn't understand what the fuck was going on in Season 2 at first:…
So imagine being just some dude at home watching the show and then it's about how Prez's father-in-law gets into a fight with a Polish union guy over a window at their church.

Season 2 feels like "The Wire II: Legend of McNulty's Gold" at first, so I can understand how people who watched it without knowing where this was all going would feel like this.

Disqus, you worthless сunts! You censor our posts but usernames with the N-word in them are OK?

Shit, I hadn't seen a reference to purestrain gold in years!

Sorry Theresa, Susan J. Richardson got here before you.
You should work only 103 hours a week, then you would have more free time to post on the A.V. club.

I don't think people who create an account just to come here and shit all over the goddamn place put that much thought into their username.

Don't worry: those spambots only work from home.
Find a job outside.

Say "world peace", see what happens.

Almost? Do yourself a favour and go read some of those comments on Youtube.

No, you do Cutman first, then Elecman, then go back to Elecman to get the magnet beam, then Ice, Fire, Bomb, and you do Gutsman dead last. With the magnet beam, you can just skip the platforms.

You don't need to read the book: you just wrote it yourself.

If you write a book taking place in 2040 but every movie, song, book or video game you mention is from the 80s, it means you don't have to think of what might have happened since then. It makes world-building much easier!

If I was that kid, I would wait 15 years and then show up home holding hands with a big, fat, hairy, decidedly not magic bear. I am sure my mom would appreciate.

Also, follow Libidinous Kettle's advice and read the (rest of the) book; you will understand how he would come up with the idea that both sides are just as bad.

"Down here it was still the England I had known in my childhood: the railway-cuttings smothered in wild flowers, the deep meadows where the great shining horses browse and meditate, the slow-moving streams bordered by willows, the green bosoms of the elms, the larkspurs in the cottage gardens; and then the huge

What about the fo-
(disappears, is never heard of again)

What are you waiting for? You are one flick of the wrist away from reaching your goal!

when you someone beat it

The original wasn't banned; he had to stop posting because the site was blocked at his work. So why create a second profile?
Wait and see…
EDIT: Good thing I didn't make a stupid bet and say I would eat my hat or something…

After the Chile / Argentina thing in the same paragraph, I think that was a continuation of the "All South American countries are the same" joke.